How Could This Happen?

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The pregnancy was going very smoothly. Naruto was due in December close to Christmas day, Naruto and Shikamaru were hoping that their child would be born on Christmas day so that they could hit two birds with one stone every year. It was a silly wish but either way, the young parents would be happy. Through all the events up til now, Shikamaru was now 21 years of age and Naruto now 20. The two lovers had never been so happy.

Naruto couldn't wait to meet his pride and joy that was growing inside him. Kurama was being a huge help in the process as Naruto was entering his 9th and final month. He couldn't help being nervous and fearful of the baby not making it. He had been carrying the child inside him for 9 long hard months. Feeling them grow, feeling their first kick, loving how the baby would move whenever it heard Shikamaru's or Naruto's voice. It would seriously destroy Naruto to the point of no return. He couldn't even fathom the thought of his life without his child.

As things were getting set up for the birth, they had to take safety precautions since Naruto was the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox. The last thing they wanted was a repeat of Naruto's birth resulting in the death of his parents. Once all the preparations were complete, Naruto was moved to a location that Shikamaru and Tsunade only knew of since they would be the only other two present during the birth. They decided the location would be underground below the cabin Shikamaru and Naruto had been staying in from time to time to get away from the village for a bit.

Naruto groaned as he sat up in the bed he was currently laying on. A sharp pain went through him as he screamed, alerting both Shikamaru and Tsunade. They rushed to Naruto's side as he started to pant heavily. Tsunade had Shikamaru remove Naruto's clothes as she proceeded to get all her tools ready until she noticed the bed was wet. Naruto's water had broken as he let out another pained scream. Tsunade had Shikamaru stay by Naruto's side as she started to instruct the blonde to start pushing. Naruto had never been in so much pain before as he used all his strength to push the infant outside of his body. He held Shikamaru's hand so tightly, the shadow user felt like it would break at any moment.

It felt like a few minutes for Naruto since he kept blacking out in the middle of pushing when in reality it actually took all night for the baby to finally be born. Once their child was born, Kurama went to work in healing Naruto and giving him enough energy so that he could hold his newborn child. Tsunade smiled as she held the baby boy, he looked just like Naruto. Cries filled the room as Shikamaru smiled seeing his son. He was ready to hold the infant but he stayed next to Naruto's side since it was the blonde's right to hold the child first. Naruto was completely exhausted as he watched Tsunade clean the newborn. Once the boy was wrapped up, she carried him over to Naruto. She smiled as she gently placed the child into Naruto's arms.

"Congratulations Naruto, you have a beautiful healthy boy," Tsunade said as Naruto began to sob from how happy he was. He was a mother now, he had to be there for his son. Shikamaru smiled softly as he watched the child calm down once he was in Naruto's arms. "You did great my love, thank you." He spoke softly as he kissed the top of Naruto's head. Naruto smiled at Shikamaru and looked down at his baby boy. "Boruto Nara....welcome to the world my dear," Naruto said with a smile as he watched Boruto open his eyes to show a left brown eye and a right blue eye. He had the same whisker marks as Naruto but instead of three on each cheek, he had two on each cheek.

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