Things Go Down Hill

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Days turned to weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. The once smiling energetic ball of sunshine was now all alone again. He didn't understand, he was promised that he would never have to be alone again. But all those promises broke like they had no fortitude behind them. The blonde looked out the window like he always used to, waiting for the two Anbu that used to look after him. He then looked to his bedroom door, remembering how he would wait at the apartment door for the Third Hokage. He laid on his bed, curling up into a tight ball, hugging his legs tightly to his chest. Thinking about the times he used to be truly happy.


Naruto cried and cried as he hugged the once Anbu, now turned rogue for the murder of his entire clan excluding his younger brother. Itachi held the blonde close, letting the 6-year-old cry into him. "You can't leave 'Tachi! You promised to stay forever! You promised!" Naruto cried as his tiny fists hit against the Uchiha's chest. Itachi felt a sharp pain in his chest when he saw the blondes saddened and heartbroken expression. Oh, how he wished he could take the child with him and protect him. But where he was going, was not safe for a child, especially the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi. Itachi sighed and wiped the tears off the whiskered cheeks of Naruto. "Naruto, I know it hurts. But I am not allowed to stay here any longer. I must leave and never come back, just remember Naruto. I'll always be here," Itachi said as he pointed to Naruto's chest where his heart was. Itachi gave a soft smile, one he would only show to Naruto and his younger brother. Naruto gave a small sniffle as he nodded. "Won't I ever see you again 'Tachi?" Naruto asked with innocent hope filled eyes. "Only the future knows Naruto." Itachi stood from where he was kneeling and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Naruto fell to his knees as he cried as hard as his small body would allow him.

From the Hokage Tower, Hiruzen felt the disturbance in Naruto's chakra and grew worried as he rushed from his office and to the child's apartment. Once he made it to the door, he could hear a crying Naruto on the other side. His heart shattered from the sight in front of him. "Naruto, what's wrong?" The man asked as he picked up the crying blonde. Naruto continued crying as he clenched the Hokage robe with his small hands. "Jiji....why did 'Tachi have to go?" Naruto managed to whimper out between his sobs. Hiruzen sighed and carried the 6-year-old to his bed. "I ordered Itachi to leave because he wouldn't be able to stay here in Konoha peacefully." Hiruzen explained as he dried Naruto's tears, laying the small child on his bed. Naruto looked out the window and yawned softly, tired from all the crying he did. "It's okay Jiji...I don't hate you, 'Tachi will be happier away from here." Naruto said as he gave the man a sad smile. Hiruzen nodded and watched as the blonde fell asleep.

'If only that were true, Naruto.' Hiruzen thought to himself as he left the apartment. 'If only that were true...'


Naruto let a tear slide down as he remembered the last time he'd ever see Itachi again. He sighed and slid out of his bed, walking sluggishly to his kitchen to get a glass of water. He pulled a chair to the cabinet that held all the cups he owned. He stood on the chair and opened the cabinet door, more tears sliding down when his eyes landed on his favorite cup. A simple ceramic cup that was the shape of a dog's face. As the child picked up the cup and poured water into it, his last memory of the Anbu with gravity-defying silver hair flooded his thoughts.

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