Patching Bonds, Broken Heart

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Kakashi let out a soft sigh and sat in front of the blonde, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "I'm sorry, I know me not coming back hurt you even more after everything you had to go through. But I was a coward, I couldn't bring myself to face you. And because of my cowardice, you ended up in even more pain than you deserved." Kakashi said softly. Kakashi wasn't one to talk a lot, but with Naruto in front of him, he could spill his whole life without noticing.

Naruto sniffled, rubbing his eyes. He looked up at his Sensei and smiled. "I forgive you, I know you were busy with other things. I don't blame Jiji either. I'm happy Dattebayo!" Kakashi couldn't help but smile when the blonde smiled. The two talked together as they waited for the Uchiha and Banshee. Catching up, Kakashi telling Naruto he better introduce Shikamaru even though the Jounin already knew most of everything about the Nara Naruto married.

Naruto finally felt relaxed around someone other than his husband, he smiled up at the sky, glad to have one of his precious people as his Sensei. His attention was grasped when he saw the two other Genin finally make it to the roof.

"You're late," Kakashi said, making the Genin flinch. He let out a sigh and waved them over to sit across from him and the blonde. The other two already didn't like how their Sensei and the blonde automatically clicked. "Today is all about getting to know each other. You will tell us about your likes, your dislikes, and what your future goal is." Kakashi said. Sakura raised her hand, Kakashi motioning for her to speak. "Can you go first Sensei? To demonstrate for us?" The pink-haired girl asked.

Kakashi gave a nod with his signature eye smile. "My likes are none of your concern, my dislikes are also none of your concern, and I don't have a particular future goal," Kakashi said. Sasuke and Sakura stared at their Sensei, he didn't explain anything to them! Kakashi looked over the three Genin and pointed to Sasuke. "You're up first Uchiha," Kakashi said.

Sasuke let out a sigh and rests his chin on his intertwined fingers, his elbows propped up on his knees. "I like tomatoes, I dislike annoying people, and my future goal isn't really a's a promise. I'll kill the man that murdered my clan and rebuild the Uchiha clan." Sasuke said with no emotion. Sakura gulped at the sudden mood change, never seeing her crush like that. Kakashi gave a nod and looked over to the pink-haired Kunoichi. "You're up next pinkie." He said, making the girl jump and make a face of dislike at the nickname. She fixed her hair and smiled as she looked at her Sensei.

"Well, my likes are..." She trailed off and looked over at Sasuke, letting out a small squeal. "My future goal is..." She trailed off once again as she looked at the Uchiha, letting out another squeal. She looked at her Sensei and glared at Naruto. "My dislikes are Naruto!" She said with nothing but true hatred for the blonde. Naruto flinched at her words once again and looked down. Kakashi sighed. 'It'll take some time for me to get these three to get along.' Kakashi thought to himself. He looked at the blonde beside him. "Naruto, you're up next." He said with a soft voice, letting the blonde know it was okay.

Naruto looked up at his Sensei and gave a nod, he looked at his teammates shyly and looked at the ground. "My likes are Shikamaru, my husband, my dislikes are um...the villagers that are mean to me but I still love Konoha and everyone, and my future goals...are to have children with Shika...and become the Hokage one day," Naruto said with a soft smile, staring at the ring on his finger. Everyone was in a comfortable silence until Sakura let out a loud laugh.

"Wait wait wait, kids? And then Hokage?" She said as she laughed again. "Are you really that stupid? For one, you can't have kids, you're a boy. If Shikamaru wanted to have kids, he would have to have them with a girl. And for two, there's no way in a million years you'd become Hokage. You're a monster remember? As if anyone would trust you with their lives." Sakura said, glaring at Naruto at the end. This time Naruto let the tears fall in front of everyone, he stood up quickly. "Excuse me..." He said as his voice held nothing but pain. He ran off quickly, crying his heart out as he ran.

Kakashi didn't hesitate to glare at the girl, making her flinch at his gaze. "Sakura, I suggest you learn how to speak to your comrades. You especially have no idea what Naruto has been through, and I know your opinion is the cause of your parent's influence. But that still does not excuse you, the next time the team meets up, you better have a proper apology for Naruto or you can kiss your chance at becoming a Ninja goodbye." Kakashi said in a tone that made the girl scared. When he disappeared in a puff of smoke, she looked over to where Sasuke was to find him already gone. She huffed in annoyance and went home to complain to her parents about how her Sensei treated her badly when she spoke the truth about the blonde monster of the village.

Naruto was crying his heart out into the pillow on the bed he laid in the bed that was in the room he shared with his husband. He didn't say anything to his mother-in-law or his father-in-law when he ran straight to his room. They were confused as they stood outside the bedroom. "I've never seen him so sad before..." Yoshino said worriedly as she stared at the door. "Me neither, that crying shows something definitely happened," Shikaku said as he tried to figure out why the blonde boy was so upset. Both parents were so deep in thought that they didn't even notice their son walk up the stairs.

"What's going on?" Shikamaru asked, confused why his parents were standing outside his and Naruto's room until he heard Naruto's pained crying. His eyes widened as he rushed past his parents and bust into the room, making the door fall off its hinges. He rushed over to the bed. "Naruto what's wrong? Are you hurt? What happened?" Shikamaru asked, his lazy attitude gone and replaced by a worried husband. Naruto looked up at his husband and cried even harder as he jumped into the older male's arms, hugging him tightly. He couldn't say anything from how much he was crying. Shikamaru didn't say anything else as he held his lover close, letting him cry his heart out.

Shikamaru's parents had already retreated back downstairs, letting their son handle the sad blonde. It took about three hours for Naruto to finally calm down, but he was too exhausted from all his crying to even explain what happened. Shikamaru let out a sigh as he cleaned Naruto's cheeks and laid the younger one on the bed, tucking him in. Shikamaru stared at his sleeping wife, he knew one thing and one thing only.

He was out for blood for the one who made his wife so sad.

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