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Shinobi from Konoha had arrived to clean up the mess so that the others could head home. Naruto was being carried by Shikamaru as he clutched the baby blanket with dried blood on it. Naruto let out a small sob as he began to cry again, everyone else stayed quiet to let the blonde grieve. The Suna siblings decided to go to Konoha so that Gaara could stay at Naruto's side for a little longer since both were Jinchuriki's and had a close bond. 

Shikamaru's tears had dried up as he held his wife close. They had just been with their son for a few short moments and then in an instant, he was taken from them. When they made it to Konoha, they all went to the Hokage Office to file a report about the incident. Naruto just wanted to go home and lock himself away.

When they made it to the office, Jiraya was looking out the window with his back to them. Something was in his arms that no one could tell what it was. When he turned to face them everyone was frozen and silent. Naruto couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Boruto wide awake and giggling as he reached for his mother. 

"Boruto?...." Naruto broke into sobs again as he got out of Shikamaru's arms as he ran to Jiraiya and took Boruto into his arms. "MY BABY!!!" Naruto screamed as he held Boruto close as he fell to his knees. Shikamaru rushed to his side and held his family close as he looked up at Jiraiya. "How? How is he alive? I...We saw Deidara kill him..." Shikamaru asked in a shaky voice. Jiraiya let out a sad sigh. "I knew the Akatsuki would try to attack so I stayed close when Naruto was giving birth so that I would be able to help if I needed to." He looked at Naruto as he spoke. "When the clay bomb landed in his hands, I was able to snatch him when everyone was blinded momentarily. That's my blood on that blanket but I needed them to believe he was dead, along with you two. I'm sorry I put you two through that pain but now the Akatsuki is no more and we know Obito Uchiha never died, he was the leader of that organization, and thanks to Naruto and Gaara they are no more."

Naruto didn't hate Jiraiya and neither did Shikamaru, Naruto finally smiled as he watched Boruto fall asleep in his arms. "Thank you, Pervy Sage...you saved our baby...thank you so much," Naruto said, causing Jiraiya to smile softly. Jiraiya ruffled Naruto's hair. "Anything for you kid."

Everyone had seemingly relaxed and were glad the baby didn't get harmed. Naruto dried his cheeks as he looked at Shikamaru with the most loving smile anyone had ever seen the blonde make. "I love you Shika," Naruto spoke as Shikamaru kissed him. "I love you too Naru."

The couple stood and introduced their infant to all of their close friends. Gaara smiled a rare smile as he held his nephew. "I hope I am able to have my own one day." He spoke softly and Naruto smiled as he looked at Gaara. "You will, you just have to find your soulmate," Naruto said as he leaned into Shikamaru. His husband chuckled and held his blonde lover close. "Easier said than done Naru." Naruto giggled with a nod as Gaara handed the baby back to Naruto. Naruto looked over to Tsunade. "We're going home granny, I want to spend time with my husband and son so don't try to send me on any missions. I want Shika to have at least two months off so he can bond with Boruto." Naruto spoke as Tsunade nodded her head.

"I'll see you two later, congrats you two." She spoke as the two lovers smiled and walked out of the office to their home.

Naruto looked to the Hokage Stone Heads and smiled. "Welcome to your home Boruto." He said as he kissed the sleeping infant's head.


Did you really think I'd kill him!? 

HAHA, You all should've seen your faces!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this shorter chapter.

The next chapter will probably be the last.

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