The Academy

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Naruto didn't know life could be so peaceful when you're with people you trust. Yes, he had Itachi, Kakashi, and Hiruzen when he was younger. But when you're living with people you can actually call family, it was a whole different feeling.

Naruto let out a long yawn as he sat up in bed, stretching his arms out to get the sleep out his system. He looked over to his sleeping husband next to him, a soft smile gracing his lips. Shikamaru always slept with his hair down, it was one of the things Naruto only knew about the Nara. It made him happy when he learned things about his husband that no one else knew. It had already been two years since they got married, even though they're young, one was a genius so he couldn't help but think like an adult and with the other, he was forced to act older than his age due to the trauma from when he was younger. He still didn't like talking a lot but now instead of him just talking to Kurama and the Hokage, he now opened up more to Shikamaru and his parents.

Shikamaru's parents didn't know what happened to Naruto to cause his trauma. But one day when Naruto had a severe panic attack, Shikamaru found out. He found out everything, including Kurama...


It was Naruto's eleventh birthday, and the Nara's were determined to take the blonde out to celebrate. Naruto was quiet as he and Shikamaru got ready to leave, Shikamaru noticing the uneasy look on Naruto's face.

"Naruto? What's wrong? Why don't you want to celebrate your birthday?" Shikamaru asked as he stared at the blonde.

Naruto tensed and looked at Shikamaru, " birthday isn't a big deal, I...don't like my birthday." Naruto said with a small voice.

Shikamaru sighed and walked up to Naruto, pulling the blonde into a tight hug. "I understand if you aren't ready to tell me anything, but your birthday is important." He looked in Naruto's eyes and gave a small smile. 

"If you hadn't been born, I would've never been able to meet you."

Naruto's eyes widened at those words. His mouth made a thin line but he hugged Shikamaru tightly. "Thank you, Shikamaru."  

Shikamaru just gave a nod. Once they finished getting ready, they walked to the front door hand in hand. Yoshino would never be able to get over how cute the two were.

"Ready to go?" Shikaku asked with a soft smile, Naruto gave a small nod. 

The four Nara's were in peaceful silence as they walked to where they would be eating. Naruto sticking especially close to Shikamaru. Naruto kept his eyes to the ground as he felt the eyes of the villagers. He had an uneasy feeling and usually when he did, he knew something was going to happen. They walked into the restaurant where Shikaku had made reservations, the restaurant was lively until it went quiet when everyone's eyes landed on the blonde.

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