Meeting The Toad Sage

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It had been a few days since Naruto's sudden outburst of sadness. No one, not even Shikamaru himself had seen his wife so sad. That's especially why he was ready to tear apart whoever upset the blonde. Everytime Shikamaru tried to get Naruto out of the house, the smaller boy would just shake his head and stay in the comforts of their home. The only one he would talk to was his husband but even that became rare.

Most times Shikamaru would find Naruto sitting in the backyard near the garden, staring at nothing. Obviously speaking to Kurama, Shikamaru was starting to get antsy when a week had passed and the blonde still wouldn't reveal what happened. The Nara had finally had enough and walked outside to where his wife sat. He sat next to the blonde, pulling him close.

"I think you've kept me waiting long enough Naruto, you have no idea how much it worries me to see you like this. It's time you tell me what happened, and if you don't. I'll force it out of you." Shikamaru spoke with truth as he looked in those beautiful blue eyes. Naruto let out a sigh as he leaned into Shikamaru, watching the tiny waterfall in the pond in front of them.

"Kashi wanted us to get to know each other so he told us to talk about our likes, dislikes, and our future goal..." Naruto spoke softly, pulling at the grass in front of him. "Sasuke went first, then Sakura went..." Naruto didn't notice his voice crack when he spoke the girl's name, tears glossing over his eyes. "I was last...I told them my likes were you, my dislikes were the mean villagers...but...for my future goal I said I wanted to have kids with you..." He looked up at his husband, tears sliding down his scarred cheeks. "And that I want to become Hokage, Sasuke and Kashi accepted my dream but Sakura....she...she laughed." Naruto at this point had broken down in sobs as Shikamaru held him close, waiting patiently for his wife to finish, keeping his anger bottled in so he didn't scare Naruto. "She said because I'm a boy that I can't give you children, that you would have to have kids with a girl...and that no one would trust their lives in the hands of a I can never be Hokage..." Naruto's body was shaking as he held onto Shikamaru tightly. "I don't want you to have kids with some girl, it isn't fair Shika!"

Shikamaru cursed under his breath and let out a sigh. He cupped Naruto's face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe the salty tears off his face. He leaned closer and captured Naruto's lips with his own, the blonde let a blush cover his cheeks as he melted into the warm touch of his husband. Shikamaru gave a small smile, seeing he succeeded in stopping Naruto's tears. " you know I have no intention of having kids with anyone except you. And even though you can't have kids, there are plenty of kids in the orphanage for us to adopt." Shikamaru said with a calming voice. "But, no one wants a monster for a parent," Naruto said sadly. "Now this is where you'll stop that! You aren't a monster! I don't care what anyone else says! I wouldn't be married to you or love you if my parents or I saw you as a monster! You are Naruto! Naruto Nara the man I love and the only one I'll ever love!" Shikamaru said, still holding the face of the blonde, not letting him break eye contact.

Naruto's eyes were wide as he stared into Shikamaru's eyes, not seeing a single ounce of a lie in his eyes. Naruto couldn't help crying again. "Thank you...thank you Shika!" Naruto sobbed, smiling finally after so long. "I love you!" Shikamaru smiled at the blonde's words and kissed him once again. Yoshino and Shikaku were smiling at each other as they sat together in the lounge room, proud of their son.

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