Before The Wedding

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After the demonstration, a lot of citizens and Shinobi believed the whole thing was rigged. That Naruto really was just weak and that the Hokage and Sannin were just playing favorites. Naruto didn't really pay much attention to the rumors and whispers that surrounded him whenever he decided to walk around Konoha. He was afraid of all of it affecting Shikamaru but, his husband made sure to show the blonde that he wasn't phased by it at all.

Tsunade had instantly put Naruto to work after the battle, she immediately made him Jounin rank like Shikamaru and sent the blonde on missions. Naruto was about to blow a fuse if his time with his husband kept getting shorter and shorter. So, he was currently storming into the Hokage Office to give the blonde Hokage a piece of his mind. 

"Baachan! I've got an issue with you!" Naruto blurted out as he walked up to the desk. He slammed his hands onto the desk and looked straight in her eyes. "Ever since the demonstration, my time with Shika has been getting less and less! We haven't even had time to make preparations for the wedding!" Naruto exclaimed, in clear distress. Tsunade began to laugh. "What's so funny!?" He asked, not thinking anything he said was funny.

At that moment, Shikamaru had walked in with a scroll that he was to deliver to Tsunade. He looked at Naruto and gave a smile as he walked up to the desk and handed the scroll to Tsunade. "All preparations are done Hokage-sama," He said as he wrapped an arm around Naruto's waist. "I figured you'd be here demanding for answers," Shikamaru said as Naruto looked at both of them confused.

"I'll let your lovely husband explain since he's the only one that can handle your temper Gaki," She said with a laugh as Naruto pouted. He looked at Shikamaru. "Well?" He asked, waiting for the explanation. Shikamaru couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him. 

"Hokage-sama has been sending you on so many missions because I asked her to, we've been making the preparations for the wedding in secret cause anything about the wedding is going to be a surprise for you. Your kimono is even a surprise as well." He said as he watched Naruto's face change from a pout to a smile. "That's not fair Shika, I've missed spending time with you," Naruto said as he leaned into his husband. "I've missed you as well, that's why..." He trailed off to let Tsunade finish the sentence. "You'll be getting two months off after the wedding that's in a week, it'll be for your honeymoon and also my wedding gift to you two." She said with a smirk. 

Naruto's eyes were wide in shock, a huge smile formed on his face. "I really am spoiled!" He laughed as he hugged Shikamaru happily.


I know, I know. It's been a while and I know this is really short. But I'm losing motivation like I usually do and I have a few ideas left for this book I'm just really lazy lol. I'm open to anyone's ideas or what they'd like to see happen in this book. And if I decide to not finish this, I'll probably make it to where anyone can adopt it and finish it themselves. But right now I still plan to finish it.

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