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The years had passed pretty quickly, Naruto and Shikamaru were now in their 30's. When Naruto had gotten pregnant for the second time, Tsunade announced that Naruto would be the next Hokage. Because of this, he had to learn everything about being a Hokage while he was pregnant with their second son Shikadai. He was a carbon copy of Shikamaru but had the same mismatched eyes as Boruto. 

Boruto was the oldest by two years and he loved his younger brother very much. But his relationship with his mother was tense since Naruto was always very busy with his Hokage work. Boruto felt like his mother didn't care about him and Shikadai was starting to feel the same as well. Shikamaru tried to explain to the 12-year-old and 10-year-old that Naruto's job was very important and that he loved both of them very much. Shikamaru decided that he'd become a stay-at-home dad for the boys and Sasuke became Naruto's advisor.

Naruto was very happy that Shikamaru decided to stay with the boys but he was also sad that his work for his village was keeping him away from his family. It was a rare night for him to make it home in time for dinner so he decided to surprise his family. When he walked up to the door to the kitchen, he froze as he heard the boys talking to their father. "Dad, you say mom loves us but he's always working! After Shikadai was born he had to instantly start working and when Shikadai turned old enough to be away from mom, he basically grew up without mom!" Boruto said, reaching his limit on Naruto never being home.

Shikamaru let out a sigh as he looked at his oldest son. "Boruto, your mother is working very hard for this village so that you two can grow up into a safe future than what we grew up into. I've told you that he loves you more than you'll ever know. You're my child as well so use that Nara part of your brain and understand that your mother would die for both of you without a second thought." Boruto looked at the ground as he took in what his father said but he still didn't like that Naruto was never home.

"If he loves us so much, he wouldn't choose the village over us! It isn't fair dad! You say he loves us more than anything but he clearly loves this stupid village more than us!" Boruto yelled as Naruto decided it was his time to walk into the kitchen. "I'm home..." Shikamaru looked at Naruto and noticed the look in his eyes as he smiled at their sons. "Mommy!" Shikadai yelled happily as he ran into Naruto's arms. "I'm sorry I'm late, I wanted to surprise all of you since Sasuke and I were able to finish most of the paperwork today. I missed all of you." He said as he smiled hugging Shikadai. He hung his Hokage robe on the hook on the wall and looked over at Boruto. He set Shikadai down and held his hand as he walked up to his eldest son.

He then got on his knees and bowed to both of them, his forehead touching the ground. "I am terribly sorry for making you both feel so lonely. I had never wanted to hurt either of you. It had always been my dream to have children but my other dream was to become Hokage. I never expected for one dream to get in the way of the other." He said as he sat up, looking into their eyes as tears were shining in his eyes. Shikamaru took this moment to kneel beside Naruto and comfort his wife.

Naruto's voice shook as he spoke. "I really do love both of you so much. We never told either of you but when you were born Boruto, an enemy attacked and they had tried to kill you. We had really thought we lost you." Naruto looked at the ground as his tears landed on the ground. "We soon found out after that, that you were safe thanks to Pervy Sage. But when Granny decided to make me Hokage, I wanted to make all villages our ally so that the world could be a safer place for future generations. But I guess my wish made me forget that I have a husband and children that wait for me every night." He looked at the boys once again. "I'll work harder to be with all of you. Just please...please don't hate me."

Shikamaru sighed as he held Naruto close, letting the blonde cry. He looked at his sons and smiled a soft smile. "Your mother had a tough childhood before we met. He was hated by the villagers over an incident that he had no part in." Shikadai's eyes widened. "The Kyubi attack on October 10th! Mommy has the Nine-Tailed Beast sealed inside him." Shikamaru nodded his head as he could see the wheels turning in Shikadai's Nara brain. "Because of Naruto having Kurama sealed inside him, the villagers saw him as the Kyubi. As to why he was hated. I won't go into detail but he can't handle being hated, especially by his own flesh and blood." He spoke as he looked at Boruto.

Boruto was looking at the ground as he processed everything. His mom had been working so hard ever since he was young. He noticed Naruto had started to doze off in Shikamaru's arms. Both Shikadai and Boruto noticed that Naruto had seemed paler and thinner with dark bags under his eyes. Their mother looked exhausted but he forced himself to stay awake so that he could spend time with his family. Boruto felt guilty and hugged Naruto tightly. "I'm sorry mom...I don't hate you...I love you too. I could never hate you." He said as Shikadai hugged Naruto as well. "Me too mommy! You're so cool and strong! I love you!" Shikadai spoke as Naruto began to cry again.

"Thank you! I love all of you! Dattebayo!" Shikamaru smiled as he hugged his family close, the kids giggled at their mother's tick. "Welcome home mom/mommy! We love you! Dattebayo!" Both boys said in unison. The family laughed together. Shikamaru kissed Naruto then kissed the tops of their son's heads.

The family had many bumps in the road but what family didn't?



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