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The day was finally here, it was the day of Shikamaru and Naruto's wedding ceremony. Naruto was ecstatic as Tsunade helped him into his Kimono.

"It's so much prettier than the one I wore when we were younger." Naruto said with a smile.

Tsunade smiled as she looked at Naruto through the mirror. "It was your mothers when she married your father. Shikamaru will be wearing what your father wore as well."

Naruto was speechless as he stared at the mirror, he worked hard to fight back the tears as he smiled. "I really love that man so much, he does everything always thinking of me."

Tsunade smiled and nodded her head in agreement. She remembered how determined Shikamaru was when preparing for the wedding. He wanted everything to be perfect and everything to be what Naruto always dreamed of. Godmother and Godson looked at each other when they heard the music begin to play, queuing for Naruto's time to make his way to the aisle.

Both walked out of the dressing room to see a smiling Jiraiya. "You look beautiful kid, I'm so proud of you." Jiraiya spoke as he touched Naruto's cheek softly. Tsunade stood on Naruto's right side as Jiraiya stood on Naruto's left side. All three walked down the aisle as the guests stood to watch Naruto walk down the aisle.

Time seemed to slow down when Shikamaru and Naruto locked eyes. A soft smile formed on Shikamaru's face as he looked at his beautiful bride. A huge smile was plastered on Naruto's face as he struggled to keep himself from running into Shikamaru's arms. Once the 3 made it to the altar, both Tsunade and Jiraiya handed Naruto over to Shikamaru. Showing that they trust the Nara with their Godson's happiness.

Iruka stood as the one to join both in marriage. He motioned for everyone to sit as Naruto and Shikamaru held hands, looking into each other's eyes.

"It is my great honor to welcome all of you here for the ceremony of the second time joining these two as one. Naruto and Shikamaru had a private marriage when both were no older than 10-years-old. They have been happily together ever since, and it's only natural for them to renew their marriage." Iruka said with a sniffle, he couldn't help but get emotional seeing Naruto getting married.

Naruto smiled as he looked at his father figure get teary-eyed. Iruka managed to gather himself together and continued to speak. "The groom has some vows he would like to say." Naruto started to panic on the inside since he didn't make any vows ahead of time, when he saw the look on Shikamaru's face, he relaxed instantly at how much he looked so happy and in love.

"Naruto, you have no idea how much you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I would never be able to see myself with anyone else but you. You've captured my whole heart and I know it would explode if I ever lost you." He smiled as he looked into those beautiful blue shining eyes. He moved some of Naruto's hair behind his ear and cupped his cheek. "I look forward to my future with you, growing old together. Even all the arguments to come. All of it."

Naruto couldn't take it anymore as tears streamed down his scarred cheeks. He really was loved so much by the man in front of him. Naruto smiled as he only looked into Shikamaru's eyes. "I didn't plan anything, but I'll just say what I feel in my heart right now. Shikamaru I don't know where I'd be right now if you and your parents hadn't saved me. I'll forever be grateful to all of you. Especially you Shika, you deal with all of my anger and my hyperactive self." He let out a laugh. "Who would've thought an energetic Uzumaki and a lazy Nara would make the perfect couple."

Small laughs could be heard throughout the audience from the irony. Naruto smiled even bigger. "You may have your laziness but you're a genius, a great cook, and a wonderful shinobi. Thank you for allowing me to stay by your side now and forever." Naruto said as the tears never stopped, tears could be seen in Shikamaru's eyes as he smiled at Naruto.

He wanted to kiss Naruto then and there but he knew he had to wait. Iruka smiled as he wiped his cheeks and cleared his throat once again. "Those were beautiful vows you two. I'll now start with the groom. Shikamaru Nara, do you take Naruto Uzumaki to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Until death do you part?"

Shikamaru looked into Naruto's eyes as he spoke. "I do."

Iruka looked at Naruto as he smiled even more. "Naruto Uzumaki, do you take Shikamaru Nara to have and to hold? In sickness and in health? Till death do you part?"

"I do, Dattebayo!" Naruto exclaimed as everyone couldn't help but smile at the blonde's tick he got from his mother.

Shikamaru smiled, loving that adorable tick Naruto could never get rid of. Iruka smiled, "Well, by the power invested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride Shikamaru."

Shikamaru wasted no time as he bent Naruto backwards in a dip-like stance as he kissed the blonde. Cheers and clapping were heard as the two lovers were lost in their own world until Iruka managed to pull them out of it for now. Both stood straight hand in hand. "I now present you, Shikamaru Nara and Naruto Nara!" Iruka said as everyone cheered loudly once again.

The two lovers laughed as they walked down the aisle as the guests threw rice on them to wish them a happy and long marriage. Both felt like their life was just perfect now and that nothing could ever get in their way.

...Or so they thought...


So...yea a cliffhanger after making you all wait so long! 🤣

I look at my book and it's at #8 in ShikaNaru!?

And with almost a 1,000 reads!?!?

I love you all so much and thank you to everyone who loves this story! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

I'll see you all in the next one! Most likely will be smut! 😈😈

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