First Kiss And New Teams

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It was finally the day, the day that Naruto would be able to prove to everyone that he was worthy of becoming a Ninja. That he could help protect the village like everyone else. Of course, there were a lot of hardships but nothing is granted without hard work.

Shikamaru yawned as he and Naruto walked to the academy, both nervous about the tests they would have to face. Naruto was more excited than nervous though. He was ready to be able to fight along Shikamaru's side and protect him. Shikamaru was feeling the same way but his lazy demeanor hid that from everyone.

Both were walking holding hands like they did every day. "This is such a drag, I want to hurry up and get this over with so that we can go cloud watching already," Shikamaru said with a yawn. Naruto let out a small laugh and looked to his husband. "Hey Shika, we'll be on the same team right?" He asked as the uneasiness settled in his stomach. The Nara looked at his wife and gave a small smile. "I can't guarantee it, but even if we don't you'll still be my wife and I'll protect you over everyone else." He said, making the blonde smile.

"Thank you, Shika."

The two walked into their classroom, sitting beside each other. Naruto held Shikamaru's hand firmly and decided to rest his head on his husband's shoulder. The pineapple head couldn't help but chuckle softly at the blonde that was clearly nervous. As he stared at Naruto, an idea crossed through his thoughts. He couldn't help the small smirk since it would also get the Uchiha bastard to stop eyeing the blonde. "Hey Naru, I know something that can help with your nerves," Shikamaru said.

Naruto looked up at Shikamaru and smiled. "Really? I can't stop this nervousness inside me, please help me Shika." Naruto said looking at the now 16-year-old. Shikamaru smiled, never able to get over the cuteness of the now 15-year-old. "You have to close your eyes." He said as the blonde gave a confused look, but nonetheless he closed his eyes and waited for Shikamaru to help calm his nerves. Shikamaru smiled at how innocent his wife was, but now they were both in their midteen years. He was starting to feel urges that Naruto probably hadn't felt yet. He used his left hand to cup Naruto's right whiskered cheek. He felt his heart skip a beat as Naruto instantly relaxed from his warm touch, showing that the blonde completely trusted the older Nara. Shikamaru swallowed the lump in his throat and leaned forward, his lips softly touching Naruto's.

He kissed him, and in front of everyone.

The class grew quiet as they stared at the couple, Sasuke scoffing at the public affection. Shikamaru pulled back slowly, he couldn't help the slight blush on his cheeks as his dark eyes locked with bright blue ones. He felt his heart quicken from the blush that covered the blonde's whole face, to the tips of his ears and down his neck. A clearing of a throat was heard, catching everyone's attention, signaling that their Sensei was finally present. Naruto didn't say anything but stayed holding Shikamaru's hand. 'How was that supposed to calm me!? If anything it made it worse!' Naruto thought to himself as his heart was pounding so hard, he thought it would jump out his chest.

Kurama chuckled at the flustered blonde. "Well, you aren't nervous about the test anymore are you?" He asked his host.

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