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The day after the wedding, Naruto and Shikamaru were packed up and ready to go on their honeymoon. Shikamaru was keeping the location a surprise as him and Naruto traveled through the trees with their luggage.

Naruto was pouting since his husband wouldn't tell him the surprise. But when they arrived, his pout disappeared and he had a bright smile. There was a small cottage in the middle of a grassy field that used to be where the Uzumaki clan once lived. Naruto didn't know if he should cry or kiss Shikamaru. It brought a lot of emotions to the blonde all at once as he began to laugh and cry at the same time.

"It's so beautiful here Shika!" Naruto exclaimed as he hugged his husband tightly. Shikamaru chuckled at the emotional state Naruto was in. "This is our land Naruto, I purchased it a few months ago so that I had time to build our little getaway here." Naruto was speechless as he looked up at Shikamaru. "You spoil me too much Shika!" Naruto began to laugh and cry once again as Shikamaru kissed him.

"Come on darling, let's go unpack inside." Shikamaru picked Naruto up bridal style and carried him through the threshold of their cabin. Naruto was blushing madly at the action. "Shika you're such a romantic." Naruto giggled as he cleaned his face. "Only for you my dear," Shikamaru spoke as he kissed Naruto and put him down, he brought the rest of their luggage in and picked Naruto up again. But this time, he had Naruto dangling over his shoulder.

Naruto gasped as he lightly hit on Shikamaru's back. "Hey! Put me down!" Naruto laughed as Shikamaru tightened his hold on the blonde. "Not a chance, I'm putting a baby in you now." Naruto went quiet from Shikamaru's words. Shikamaru began to think that maybe Naruto changed his mind about having kids but when he laid Naruto on the bed, he noticed how red his face was.

"Oh? Did I strike a nerve?" Shikamaru smirked and began to trail kisses on Naruto's skin as he undressed the blonde. Naruto couldn't help but let out small mewls from Shikamaru's light touches. The Nara knew where to touch him just right. "Mm~ Shika~" Naruto moaned softly as Shikamaru nibbled on Naruto's waist. They both had to admit, it had been a very long time since they last made love. But this time, Shikamaru wouldn't stop until Naruto got knocked up with at least one kid. He didn't care if it took the whole two months or not.

You're probably curious as to how Naruto who is a male, is able to have children? Well, it became known during the afterparty of the wedding.


Shikamaru and Naruto were having their first dance as music filled the area, for a moment Naruto felt completely at peace, nothing could ruin the moment for him. All was silent in his mind until he heard Kurama's voice. 'Congrats kit, I actually have a wedding present for you.'

This caught Naruto's attention as he lifted his head from Shikamaru's shoulder, catching the attention of the Nara, Shikamaru saw Naruto's face go blank realizing he was speaking to Kurama so he decided to just keep dancing with the blonde until their conversation was done.

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