The Meeting

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Naruto was silent as he got dressed. He wasn't very thrilled about what the day's events would bring him, but he didn't have a choice. He sighed as he looked at himself in the broken mirror one last time. His eyes were staring at the kimono he was being forced to wear. Quite frankly, it was too girly for him. But the Hokage said it was something he would just have to put up with for now.

Naruto looked to the front door when he heard a knock, knowing the Anbu were there to escort him to the Hokage Tower safely. Naruto let a sigh escape him and walked to the door opening it and walked past the Anbu. He didn't bother to look back at the apartment he had called home. Today will be the last day he'll ever step foot in that run-down apartment. As he walked, he could feel the pointed glares on him. Not even flinching from the words that were said. The Anbu stayed silent and so did Naruto. He wasn't one for conversation, the only ones he would talk to were the Hokage and Kurama. Though Hiruzen was the only one that knew Naruto and the beast could communicate.

Naruto walked into the Hokage Tower, looking straight ahead with a dull expression. When he walked into the Hokage office, he saw three figures. Two adults and a child his age. "Glad for you to finally join us Naruto," Hiruzen said with a smile. Naruto looked at the old man and nodded. "The kimono was hard to figure out but I eventually got it, sorry for making you all wait." Naruto apologized with a bored tone. A chuckle escaped from the man standing beside the woman and child. "And here I thought Nara's were only able to sound that bored." The man said looking at the blonde. Naruto stared at the man, "Excuse me for being rude...but who are you?" Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

Hiruzen was the one to chuckle this time, all eyes landing on him. "Naruto, this is Shikaku Nara and his wife Yoshino Nara, you will be marrying their son today," Hiruzen said. Naruto nodded and looked over to the man and woman, he stared for a bit until he felt a sharp gaze on him. Naruto looked towards the boy his age, locking eyes with him. " you're my future husband, nice to meet you...uh..." Naruto stared at him, not knowing his name either.

The boy walked over to Naruto, wearing a kimono meant for the husband to wear in a wedding. He stood in front of the blonde, never breaking eye contact, both looking at each other with dull gazes. Naruto noticed his pineapple hairstyle that was similar to his fathers, also noticing that he was taller than the blonde but not by much. "Shikamaru Nara, pleased to meet you, Naruto Uzumaki," Shikamaru said as he held his hand out to shake hands. Naruto shook his hand softly. "Shikamaru...I'll do my best not to forget, I only remember the names of people who don't bore me," Naruto said with an empty tone. Shikamaru couldn't help but smirk. This blonde had caught his interest now, he wanted to know more about Naruto Uzumaki. "What a drag, then I guess I'll try not to bore you," Shikamaru said. Naruto gave an approving nod. The adults were happy the 10-year-old Uzumaki and 11-year-old Nara were getting along. 

Hiruzen cleared his throat to get both kids' attention. "Naruto, you understand why you two are marrying correct?" He asked as Naruto shrugged. "I have an idea as to why," Naruto said. "Well, you two are getting married because since you are the last Uzumaki, the Nara clan is the best choice for you to marry into." Hiruzen continued. "Along with the fact that Shikaku and Yoshino knew your parents and didn't want to leave you in the hands of just anyone." Naruto looked at Shikamaru's parents. 'They knew my parents? I wonder if they would tell me about them?' Naruto thought to himself. "Also," Hiruzen said, looking in Naruto's eyes. "You are also marrying into the clan to ensure your safety, from Danzo and the council." From that, Naruto couldn't help the growl that escaped his lips at the mention of those people. "Those bastards don't know when to give up!?" Naruto said in anger, his eyes flashing red. 

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