Returning Home

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Naruto had a huge smile on his face as he stood on the head of his father on the Hokage Monument, looking over the village as Jiraiya was busy letting the new Hokage know they had returned. No one knew where the blonde was, he didn't want anyone to know at that moment. He couldn't help the giddiness inside him, excited to see his husband and family. It had been 3 long hard years, but Naruto was no longer the weak push over blonde. And soon everyone would come to know what he had become after the long trip.

A flash of yellow was all people saw as the blonde passed them, heading straight to the Nara compound. This wasn't just any regular day they returned either, it was his husband's 19th birthday and he was determined to give him the best surprise gift. The smile never left his face as he snuck into the compound, excited to see if his husband had changed. When blue eyes had caught sight of the pineapple hairstyle he loved so much, tears made their way into his eyes. 


Shikamaru jumped at the sudden shout, his eyes widened remembering the voice and nickname when he saw the blonde he had been waiting 3 years to see. A huge smile graced his lips as tears also found their way into his eyes, dropping all the papers in his hands and running at the blonde. The nearby clan members laughed as Shikamaru tackled Naruto, happy the two were reunited again. Shikamaru wasted no time capturing Naruto's lips, holding the blonde in a death grip. When the two separated, both were laughing as they hugged each other. "I missed you so much!" Both lovers said in unison, laughing even harder.

Shikamaru finally stood up with his wife, both dusting the dirt from their clothes. "Hey Shika, Happy Birthday!" Naruto said happily. Shikamaru laughed and kissed Naruto once again, hugging him tightly. Once they separated yet again, they both finally took in their new appearances. To Shikamaru, Naruto's beauty had grown. His scars on his cheeks had deepened, complementing his tan skin, his blue eyes brighter than any ocean, and his blonde hair challenging the sun's brightness even more.

Naruto held a blush as he stared at his husband, his hair was longer and almost darker if that was possible. His dark eyes still slanted but it complemented his perfect facial structure. Some facial hair had started to grow on Shikamaru's chin and Naruto honestly loved the idea of his husband growing a goatee. They smiled loving smiles at each other and held hands as they walked over to where Shikamaru was standing with his parents. Shikamaru got to picking up the papers he dropped while Naruto greeted the two older Nara's. Yoshino was crying happily, glad that her son-in-law was finally back home, Shikaku had a smile as he ruffed the boy's blonde hair. Once Shikamaru finished picking up his mess, he snaked an arm around Naruto's waist, wanting to get him back home as quickly as possible.

Jiraiya cleared his throat as he caught the attention of the four that were reuniting. "Hey kid, you know you still gotta go see Tsunade!" Jiraiya said. Naruto scoffed looking at Jiraiya, he crossed his arms pouting. "You just wanna go back so you have an excuse to look at her chest Pervy Sage! And I'm not a kid anymore!" Naruto said sticking his tongue out at his Godfather. Jiraiya looked hurt from the name but had a huge smile. "Come on! She wants to see you, she is your Godmother after all!" Jiraiya said with a laugh. "Don't worry, your husband can tag along. She wants to meet him too." Jiraiya said, a smirk on his face. Naruto gulped and looked at Shikamaru. "Just be careful with what you say to Baachan and you won't die, 'kay?" Naruto said with a wry smile.

Shikamaru raised an eyebrow but shrugged. He placed the papers in his father's hands. "I'll be back soon to finish those," Shikamaru said and Shikaku gave a nod. The lovers walked hand in hand while Jiraiya walked beside Naruto. "What were those papers for Shika?" Naruto asked as he looked up at his husband. The Nara looked at his wife and let go of his hand, wrapping his arm around his waist so that they could walk closer together. "Paperwork for me to get the hang of so I'm ready to become the Clan Head. My next birthday is when I'll be taking over the Clan." Shikamaru explained as Naruto gave a nod. "I'm excited for you Shika, next we'll have to find an heir for you when it's your turn to step down," Naruto said smiling.

Shikamaru gave a nod, walking into the Hokage Tower and soon the office. Naruto smiled seeing the Hokage and ran to her hugging her. "I'm home Baachan!" Naruto said happily. Tsunade laughed as she hugged her Godson. "Welcome home Gaki." She said, ruffling his hair. When the two pulled away from each other, she looked over at Shikamaru and smirked. "So, you're the famous Nara that stole my Godson's heart." She said as Shikamaru nodded respectfully, Naruto back at Shikamaru's side. "Yes Hokage-sama, I'm very blessed to be able to have him at my side," Shikamaru said with a smile.

A blush appeared on Naruto's face as he leaned into his husband. "Well, that's good to hear. And with Naruto back, I have set up for him to show us his new strength. Where Jiraiya and I will be his opponents. Do you have any disagreement with that Shikamaru?" She asked him, daring him to say anything that she would dislike. Shikamaru shook his head, "Of course not Hokage-sama. I know Naruto would be safe even if neither of you are holding back. I too look forward to seeing my wife's new strength." Shikamaru said as he smiled at Naruto.

Naruto smiled at him, relaxing since the tense air was finally gone. "That's good to hear, it'd trouble Naruto if we had to forcefully lock you up so you wouldn't be able to stop the demonstration. Of course, the fight will be held in our fighting arena that gets used during the Chunin exams. Naruto has been looking forward to it." She said as Naruto nodded his head excitedly. "Yea! I'll get to fight against Baachan and Pervy Sage without holding back! I get to show everyone how strong I've gotten too!" Naruto said with a huge smile, looking like an excited small child.

The other three couldn't help the smiles that appeared on their faces from the blonde's happiness. "Alright you two, you can head home. The fight will be held in a month's time so that Naruto has enough time to get used to home again." Tsunade said, smirking at the couple. Naruto blushed a bright red. "Okay, Baachan! Pervy Sage! Bye!" Naruto said grabbing Shikamaru's hand pulling him home.

Jiraiya and Tsunade laughed watching the young couple leave. "Well, he's also excited to win the prize he's been wishing for since the two of them fell for one another," Jiraiya said with a soft smile. Tsunade nodded in agreement and smiled. "Though, even if he didn't win. I'd still give it to him." She said, Jiraiya nodding.

When the bright sky had finally turned dark with the moon and stars in the sky, Naruto was lying in bed with his husband. Both having finished an intimate session they hadn't had since before Naruto left. The Nara beside him was sound asleep with his arm draped across the blonde's bare waist. He stared at his sleeping husband and smiled as he snuggled into the warmness of Shikamaru.

'It's good to be home...' Naruto thought as he dozed off peacefully.

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