Proving Them All Wrong

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The time had finally come, the whole village had come to see the fight between the blonde and the two Legendary Sannin. Naruto was nervous as he sat with Shikamaru, hearing the cheering from the people in their seats. "Shika, everyone's gonna be watching...I'm nervous," Naruto said softly. Shikamaru smiled at Naruto and touched his cheek softly. "Well, good thing I know how to calm you down huh?" Shikamaru said with a smirk, he held Naruto close and kissed his wife. Naruto couldn't help but relax in his husband's arms. When the two pulled apart, it was time for Naruto to go into the arena. Naruto smiled at Shikamaru. "You better cheer for me Shika," Naruto said as Shikamaru chuckled. "Of course, who else would I be cheering for?" He asked and watched as Naruto smiled and walked out into the arena.

Shikamaru sighed and walked to the seats where his parents were. 'Don't get too injured please.' Shikamaru thought as he watched the three fighters walk out into the arena. Jiraya and Tsunade were smirking at Naruto as he had a huge smile on, all his nervousness gone thanks to his husband. Shinobi around the arena did a few hand signs, a dome covering the fighting area so that the audience wouldn't get harmed.

Everyone was cheering on the Hokage and the Toad Sage, Naruto's close family and friends cheering for him. He didn't care what the villagers and other Shinobi thought, he was a changed person. Not the monster they all believed him to be. He let a smirk form as the bell rang for the fight to start. Tsunade was the first to charge, swinging at Naruto but Naruto jumped backwards. The ground Naruto was standing on broke apart when Tsunade's fist collided with the dirt. Naruto landed on the wall, using his chakra in his feet to keep him on the wall.

Everyone was at the edge of their seats as the three continued to fight with Taijutsu, Naruto not ready to show off his new Ninjutsu just yet. Jiraiya getting impatient, decided to start the Ninjutsu battle. "Needle Jizo!" Jiraiya said as his hair spiked up even more and hardened. His hair becoming longer as he used it to attack Naruto. Naruto smirked and jumped up high in the air to dodge the attack. "Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto said as he threw Shurikens at Jiraiya, the few that he had thrown turned to thousands as they rained down on Jiraiya. Jiraiya quickly used his hair to wrap around himself as armor to protect himself from the rain of Shurikens.

Naruto landed on the ground behind Jiraiya, "Too slow Pervy Sage!" He yelled as he ran at Jiraya, not noticing Tsunade behind him. "Be conscious of your surroundings Gaki!!" Tsunade said as she punched Naruto in the face, sending him flying in the air. Naruto grunted and coughed up blood as he crashed into the wall, leaving a huge dent in it. The audience yelled and cheered happily. Shikamaru was on edge as he stood up when he saw Naruto cough up blood.

Naruto's laughing made everyone quiet down. "That's true Baachan, I'll let you have that one." He said as Jiraiya and Tsunade stood beside each other smiling, Naruto being the only one with scratches. "Looks like it's time for me to get serious," Naruto said as he closed his eyes. "You gave me enough time to stay still after all." He said with a smirk, as his eyelids had orange on them, kind of resembling eyeshadow. Jiraiya's eyes widened but he smirked. "Tsunade, you better keep your guard up, even I have trouble when he's like that," Jiraiya said as he got into a defensive stance, already entering his Toad Sage Mode. Tsunade getting in the same stance as she watched the blonde.

Naruto opened his eyes revealing yellow eyes with black horizontal lines in them. Everyone was quiet from the sudden change coming from the blonde. Shikamaru was watching Naruto with disbelief. "That's..." He started. "Sage Mode," Naruto said with a smile. In an instant, he was in front of the two Sannin and kicking them both back. "Woah! I didn't even see him move!" A civilian said. "It's like he disappeared!" Another said. Naruto laughed at how people could be amazed from the smallest things. He wiped the dried blood from his mouth as he watched Jiraiya and Tsunade.

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