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When we got home my mum was in the kitchen making dinner. "Mum, don't dish mine up, I'll eat later I'm not hungry right now" "Ok honey" she said. I ran up to my room and sat on my bed, I got my phone and dialed Links number. He picked up straight away "Hey, I'm sorry I did that, my anger took over me" "Link are you gonna talk to Rhett again?" "Yeah, I just need to spend some time away from him" "How long?" "I dunno, maybe a couple of days" I started to cry, he could hear me through the phone "What's wrong?" "It's my fault, I should of just kept my stupid mouth shut!" "No! You would've had to tell me at some point, it was best you told me today anyway instead of have it eat away at you" he said, I sniffled "Yeah, I guess so" "I have to go now my dinner's ready, I love you so much!" "I love you so so much too Link!" He held up.

I was worried about Rhett, I decided to call him. After two ring tones he picked up "(Your Name) why are you calling me?" he said "Rhett I'm sorry that I told Link" I said crying "It's ok, he's your boyfriend, you had to tell him" "Link said he won't be talking to you for a few days" "That's understandable" "So are you ok?" I asked "Yeah, just a little shocked, I've never seen Link angry before" "I know me too" "Well I'll talk to you when Link has forgiven me" "Ok Rhett" "Bye" "See you". I felt better now that I finally talked to him, I hope things get better in a few days.

I grabbed the frames from my side table and walked over to my desk with them. I got my sketchbook and pulled out the two drawings and put them in the frames, it was a perfect fit! I looked at the picture of us three, the worst thoughts went through my head like what if they didn't make friends? and what if we don't have anymore memories like this again!? A single tear fell down my cheek.

New Beginnings (A Rhett and Link Fanfiction) ~Being Edited~Where stories live. Discover now