Headcanon #28: Russian Swears

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Lev knows how to speak Russian, but is just really uncomfortable on doing so in school. He used to get bullied for it, so he stopped speaking Russian and just pretended he didn't know.

He only really speaks Russian at home or with Alisa. No one knows this except his family.

Sometimes he forgets he is at school and you can hear him swear in Russian under his breath by accident.

He'll quickly cover it up though, so not a single person can find out.


Yaku memorized a bunch of Russian swears to use around Lev, so he could become awkward when he's asked the meaning and having to explain that he didn't know.

In reality, Lev actually knows all of the meanings of the swears. He's only just pretending he doesn't.

He's also trying not to laugh at yaku's broken pronunciation. He likes the way yaku's face looks really smug, so he just plays along with it to see it more.

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