Headcanon #55: Family

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Hinata's little sister, Natsu and Oikawa's Nephew, Takeru are friends and both go to the same school.

They usually hang out a lot and go to different places. They need chaperones though and since their moms were a bit busy, Oikawa and Hinata went in their stead. Both Natsu and Takeru ran up to each other when they saw them.

Oikawa and Hinata were surprised to see the other there and asked what they were doing, turns out Natsu and Takeru were related to them.

At first the children were just chatting up a storm and it was really awkward between Oikawa and Hinata.

After a bit they decided to talk and it became less awkward and they were either sitting in comfortable silence or talking with the other.

They all even played a game together. Both Oikawa and Hinata got the other's number just in case.

Since they have each other's numbers, they sometimes arrange little play dates between Takeru and Natsu every other free day they've got.

They've gotten used to the other now and they basically act like an old couple with their children playing.

Knowing that's how they look like to the public eye, they sometimes even joke about it between themselves.

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