Headcanon #63: Houses

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Most of the karasuno team are actually really interested in Harry Potter. They pretend they're in Hogwarts at practice sometimes. They switch some of their house placements at times with either their first or second ones.

Sometimes during matches, they'll even shout out random spells they made up as attack signals. Their favorite would be the 'YEETUS LE ISANG BOLA'.

The reactions shouting it garners are always worth it to see. Kiyoko and Yachi are in charge of capturing the moment.

Sometimes they even have inter house battles between each other. The amount of creative insults that have happened, and the amount of inside jokes. Mostly between the first years.

They usually portray Oikawa as a sort of prefect for Slytherin, or the student representative from Beauxbatons. He looks the part, (hinata says he's a half veela all the time.) He probably speaks French too, and well he's elegant. It was mostly Hinata's idea, usually they have a whole outfit for him when they just decide with it. Yamaguchi and Yachi even gave him butterfly hair clips.

(Credit: @majunju on Tumblr) Hogwarts Houses:1st YearsHinata:MAIN- HufflepuffSECONDARY- Slytherin

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(Credit: @majunju on Tumblr)
Hogwarts Houses:
1st Years
MAIN- Hufflepuff
SECONDARY- Slytherin

MAIN- Slytherin
SECONDARY- Ravenclaw
(Personally my own house placement)

MAIN- Ravenclaw
SECONDARY- Gryffindor

MAIN- Gryffindor
SECONDARY- Ravenclaw

MAIN- Hufflepuff
SECONDARY- Slytherin

2nd Years
MAIN- Gryffindor
SECONDARY- Hufflepuff

MAIN- Hufflepuff
SECONDARY- Gryffindor

MAIN- Ravenclaw
SECONDARY- Gryffindor
(Sorry couldn't think of what kinoshita and narita would be)

3rd Years
MAIN- Hufflepuff
SECONDARY- Ravenclaw

MAIN- Slytherin
SECONDARY- Hufflepuff

MAIN- Ravenclaw
SECONDARY- Gryffindor

Kiyoko: (forgot her whoops)
MAIN- Slytherin
SECONDARY- Ravenclaw

At one point Tsuki snuck Hinata and Yachi into the Slytherin common room. They've been in there a lot since they talk to tsuki a lot for pranks.

Not a single person has suspected each of them, well besides suga but he joins the pranks.

Tsuki brought them into the common room, because it was a hogesmeade trip and he needed a Hufflebuddy to bring. Luckily he technically had two. Prefects had told the Slytherin's to gather, and sure enough nearly everyone had one or more Hufflepuffs with them.

With the way the prefects said it, the Hufflepuffs had nearly left with a frown but every Slytherin had held them to keep them here, including even tsuki.

He had been holding both yachi and hinata's hands cause he knew like the rest of them.

The prefects asked if everyone had a Hufflepuff buddy with them, everyone did. After that yachi and hinata smiled excitedly cause they were going to go to hogesmeade with Tsuki.

Everyone left the common room, each Slytherin with a Hufflepuff in tow. The next hour, the three bought sweets and a bunch of prank supplies.
(Anyone want a Slytherin? Hai I'm here.)

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