Headcanon#74: Driving

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Hinata has a driver's license. He, At one point, dedicated some time to go learn how to drive. He thought it was useful, as he bikes down mountains.

He renews it on time, and uses it to get him into places. Besides that he uses the car to go on McDonald's sprees at like 3 in the morning.

It's useful in getting him around if he doesn't wanna use his bike. He also goes through the 'Drivethru' a lot at places.

The man goes on impromptu shopping sprees with all the first years. He uses the opportunity to quote mean girls.

'Get in losers, we're going shopping'. He even has sunglasses for that quote. Do not ask why, respect the drip.

They all just subconsciously know what his car looks like now. He sometimes also just uses it for intimidation.

Most of the time when traveling, they use the bus. However sometimes when they're late or something, they go fast and furious with hinata's car.

He also likes to step it on the gas a lot, however does begrudgingly obey all the  road laws that are set. Mostly because he drives Natsu a lot to places. Despite popular belief, He's a somewhat good citizen. Especially with Natsu there.

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