Headcanon #70: Alcohol Tolerance

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Spoiler Warning: Time skip:




Brazil Arc-
When Hinata was in Brazil, working in a bar part time he tended to drink a bit during his breaks.

Because of all the times, he's been going to drink and mixing drinks he now has an impressive alcohol tolerance.

It doesn't matter what he drinks, beer? Yes, Tequila? Yes, Whiskey? Yes, Rum? Yes. The amount of parties he's been invited to, resulted in Hinata's alcohol tolerance to go through the roof.

He can hold his own pretty well, only throwing up at the very start. Now he can take about a few dozen rounds.

He doesn't actually know his limit yet, because he never went more than he knew he could handle. Seeing as he's got a part time job, volleyball training, and well he was alone for the most part it was a good idea.

It's mostly guaranteed, that probability of Hinata winning against you most of the time in a drinking match is high as hell. Well unless you can drink as much as he can, then prepare to lose.

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