Chapter 3

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Julia woke up the next morning feeling much more relaxed, she had no idea why she felt that way. Perhaps, it was because she didn't have to deal with everything that had been going on in her life while she was here. She decided to drop those thoughts and instead looked forward to seeing Craig.

She was ecstatic just thinking about him but was at the same time nervous because she didn't know if he'd be in a good mood after last night's discussion. He had opened up about a rough phase in his life, that she was certain he didn't want to relive.

Julia got out of bed and walked into the bathroom in search of a spare toothbrush but found none, so she just had to wash her mouth with a mouthwash, she washed her face and dried it with a clean towel she found. Staring at herself in the mirror, she realized that she was still wearing Craig's t-shirt. She couldn't stop herself from inhaling his scent.

What was this sudden feeling she was having? It's different from any she had ever felt for someone before. She felt so drawn to him, like having this strong desire to want to spend her happy and sad moments with him, but this couldn't be love, or is it? She mentally asked herself.

She eventually dragged herself out of the bathroom to go look for Craig rather than remain there and let her brain be on overdrive, searching for answers she still wouldn't get. Getting to the living room, she didn't find Craig like she thought she would.

"He must still be asleep," she muttered to herself and decided against going to his room to disturb him by waking him up, that would be rude.

Thinking about it, she had no idea which door led to his room and here she was having this crazy idea of going to wake him up. Shaking her head, she smiled at how silly and messed up her thoughts had been since she woke up. It would be better if she distracted her mind by going to the kitchen to make breakfast, she hoped Craig wouldn't mind.

While making breakfast, Julia heard footsteps coming, she spun around and saw Craig in view. He was wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans, his hair was slightly wet indicating that he had just showered. She could still see his stubble which she had come to love, and of course, those beautiful eyes that were looking brighter than they were last night, she could stare into those eyes forever. Too bad she won't be seeing her prince charming after today, or would she? That was up to her to decide.

"Julia, is that you?" He asked looking so vulnerable. Julia instantly felt sad and wished he had his sight.

"Yeah, it's me. Good morning," she croaked, as she forced herself to reply, her voice wavered as she was already teary.

"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked, noticing the waver in her voice.

"I'm fine. Just dealing with these onions. Gosh, they sting!" she lied, clearing her throat.

"You shouldn't have bothered yourself. I was going to make breakfast for the both of us," he said with concern.

"You cook?" Julia asked, not hiding the surprise evident in her voice.

"Yes, I do. Why do you think I live here all by myself... I learned to do a lot on my own after the accident so I wouldn't have to be a burden to anyone." He replied, walking to the breakfast bar and taking a seat on one of the stools.

"Wow! That means I really impressed you with my meal last night," she said with heavy sarcasm.

"Believe me, your meal was really tasty. I could eat that all day and not get tired." He complimented, making Julia stare at him with wide eyes.

Was he being serious or just saying that to make her feel better? Hearing such a compliment from him made her happy. She'd want to hear him say more because his compliment made her feel special and also because she wanted to hear his mesmerizing accent.

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