Chapter 10

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"I swear I'll call the cops if you take one more step." Julia threatened as she held her phone with shaky hands

Jeremy couldn't understand why she was being so difficult. They are going to get married anyway, so why was she being a bitch

"Aargh!" He angrily exclaimed not being able to hide his frustration anymore

"What the hell is wrong with you Julia?!"

"We already talked about this Jeremy and I'm standing on my word, I'm not having sex with you, not until we get married" she said, her voice trembling

" You aren't even a fucking virgin!" He angrily yelled

"I know that, okay!" She yelled back

"You're not going to get away with this Julia. I'm your fiance and you'll do as I say" he threatened with clenched teeth

"And you also have to respect my decision as your fiancee" she spat back before the bedroom door swung open revealing Jeremy's parents with worried looks on their faces

"What is going on here?" Mr Walker asked looking from Julia whose hair was dishevelled and in tears to Jeremy who was glaring daggers at her with a bleeding cut on his lip

"Stay out of this dad" Jeremy warned still glaring at Julia which she didn't find comfortable. She needed to go home and clean up because she felt filthy from Jeremy's touch

"I asked a question. What happened here?" His dad asked again sounding angry

"I said stay out of it!" Jeremy angrily yelled, turning to his dad and glaring at him

Julia used his distraction as an opportunity to run out of the bedroom

"Come back here Julia, we're  not done talking!" He yelled going after her but was stopped by his dad who held him back. Jeremy yanked his arm away from his father's hold

"Don't stick your nose in my business!" He growled at his dad

"Now you listen here, you better not mess things up for me with this irresponsible attitude of yours. You better come up with a way to clear things up with Julia"

"Whatever goes on between Julia and I has nothing to do with you"

"Oh no, that's where you're wrong young man. Your relationship and future marriage to Julia is happening because of me and let me warn you, if I lose this deal because of your stupidity you'll be in big trouble" Mr Walker threatened

"Is that a threat?"

"I guess I've made point clear here" Jeremy's dad finished, stomping out of Jeremy's room.

Mrs Walker watched her husband and son with utmost shock. She couldn't believe that both father and son were going against each other.

"Why are you still here?" Jeremy rudely questioned his mom causing her to scurry out of his room in tears.

  Julia sat in her car sobbing uncontrollably, she was badly shaken by the incident that just happened a while ago in Jeremy's room as her hands and legs were still trembling, she tried to control it but failed miserably.

She couldn't believe she was almost raped by Jeremy and he wasn't at all remorseful about it. If he was acting this way as her fiance, what would their future together be like?

The worse part of it all was that she was supposed to be complaisant about the whole thing. That is who Jeremy was and he isn't going to change, not even for her, so she just has to put up with his excesses for the sake of her dad.

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