Chapter 16

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  After he was done with the formalities which Craig wasn't paying any attention to because he was lost in thoughts, Peter read the will stating that everything that belonged to his father, which were his companies, investments, houses, cars etc now belongs to him.

What caught Craig's attention were his dad's last words, saying he loved him and was sorry for everything. Craig had always thought his dad hated him after his mother's death. Now more than ever he regrets not going back to London to visit his dad. He is a horrible son and to think that every thing his dad had worked for were all for him. He did nothing to help his dad, not with his companies or anything.

Craig clenched his fists together to control his anger, he felt disgusted at himself . Jack and Peter could see how difficult it is for Craig to accept the news of his father's death. They knew how he felt considering the fact that he hadn't seen his father for five years, and suddenly he was informed that he had passed away.

They decided to leave so Craig could be alone

"We'll take our leave now" Jack announced as both men stood up to take their leave.

They were stopped by Craig as soon as they approached the door

"I know its sudden, but I'll need a jet to fly back to London first thing tomorrow morning"

"That will be done sir" Jack replied. Craig thanked both men before they took their leave.

Once they were gone Craig went to his bedroom, staring at himself in his vanity mirror, his father's death was all his fault. If only he had a better relationship with his dad. He hated his reflection right now so he took hold of the mirror and threw it across the room in a fit of anger, shattering it in pieces before breaking down in tears. He can never forgive himself.

  The next day Craig flew to London leaving Maria to take care of his home, asking her to give him a call if Julia shows up, he desperately needed her by his side at this time of his life. He prayed deep down in his heart that she was okay and wasn't in some sort of trouble and hoped she hadn't given up on their relationship.



Standing in front of his father's graveside, Craig couldn't hold back his tears as he let them flow freely down his cheeks. His dad was gone and he wasn't able to say goodbye nor spend time with him during his last days. He felt awfully sorry for every trouble, hurt and pain he had caused his dad. If only he could turn back the hands of time, he definitely would have done things differently, like amending his relationship with his dad.

Craig took a comfortable position, sitting by his dad's graveside, wishing he and his dad were as close as this to enjoy each other's company, but that's all in the past now.

Craig didn't realize that he had been sitting there for hours until he looked up towards the sky and noticed the sun setting. He reluctantly stood up, staring at his dad's grave one last time and made a promise to be a better person and to continue his legacy by expanding his business.

  A week had passed since Craig got to London, he remained at the place he once called home, letting memories flood back, both the good and the bad ones as he took in every detail of his home because he wasn't ready to accept the reality that he was now alone. He needs more time to accept it, which would be very difficult.

Craig was in his parents bedroom staring out the window when a maid came to inform him of Jack Clifford's arrival. He thanked her for the information and dismissed her from his presence as he wanted a little more time alone in his parents bedroom before leaving for the living room where he was told that Jack was awaiting his presence.

"Mr Clifford" he greeted, exchanging a handshake with Jack before taking a seat

"I remember stating that I needed to be alone for sometime. So, to what do I owe this visit?" He asked

"I'm sorry to bother you sir, but there is an urgent issue that needs to be taken care of by you as soon as possible" Jack replied

Craig's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, wondering what Mr Clifford was about to say

"Which is?" He questioned

"It's about a telecommunication company your father was about buying before he passed away"


"The company is on the verge of bankruptcy"

"What would my father want with a company that is facing financial crisis?" Craig asked knowing very well that his father goes for companies that are huge and financially stable

"The company in question hasn't lost its value in the market which is why your father was interested in the company. They are in need of a buyer who would take possible ownership immediately as the majority share holder because they don't want their worker and consumers to know that they are on the verge of going bankrupt"

"So?..." Craig questioned trying to understand where Jack was heading with the discussion.

It was a good thing his dad made him study business administration while in the university, because he wouldn't have had any idea concerning the business or how to run it.

"Your father had planned on not just having major shares but buying the company at a mouth watering price which he knows the owner would not refuse since they are going through a rough time... He needed this well known telecommunication company in the United States to set the pace for his mobile company to gain a solid ground in North America"

"So, what does this have to do with me when you already know everything about it?" Craig asked knowing that his father must have concluded the plans of buying the company with Jack

"We'll need your approval as the current CEO before going through with the deal because your father wanted a thorough inspection of the company to know if it would be in need of some changes. We weren't able to go through with it due to his passing away" Jack replied

"Where is the company located?"

"In Phoenix Arizona, more than an hour's drive from Scottsdale where you reside sir."

What a coincidence, his dad was about buying a company quite close to where he lived without even knowing. If getting to own the company was his dad's last wish, he was going to do anything to get it to make him happy wherever he is.

"You have my approval... But you don't have to worry, I'll do the inspection myself" Craig said

"Okay sir"

"And also, I'm relieving you of your duty of managing the hotel. I know it must have been a heavy task for you managing both the mobile company and the hotel... A friend of mine named Tyler Simpson will be arriving London tomorrow, I'll put him in charge of the hotel while you'll be by my side as the manager of the mobile company"

"Okay sir. Thank you" Jack replied

Craig could see the look of relief on Jack's face, like a burden had been lifted off his shoulders.

"I'll be leaving for the States in two days, but will have need for your presence once I'm able to convince the owner of the company to sell"

"That's fine by me sir" with that being said, Jack stood up to take his leave, leaving the details about the telecom company with Craig.

Craig was glad that Mr Clifford was understanding and didn't object his idea of making Tyler a manager at his dad's hotel. That is the least he could do for a friend who has been there for him through everything.

I'm so sorry for keeping you my lovely readers and followers waiting for over two months.
A lot has happened but I'm back now and will try not to drag this book any longer.
Love you all😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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