Chapter 18

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  "I thought you moved on." Julia quietly said

Who moved on? What was she talking about? Craig wondered

"What do you mean by that?" He couldn't help but ask

"I went to the hospital when I was less busy from work, but was told that you had been discharged a week before,so I went over to your place and I..." Julia couldn't complete her statement as she remembered that day.

The memory brought her pain as more tears rolled down her cheeks, making Craig even more confused and worried at the same time.

Julia inhaled deeply before she continued

"I saw you with a pretty lady, probably older than me by a year or two. You two looked happy and cozy while talking, I decided not to interrupt you guys... It broke my heart to see you with someone else but at the same time I was glad you found someone who can make you happy cos I haven't been there as your girlfriend and I don't think I would make you as happy as she would" Julia confessed as her tears wouldn't stop pouring.

"What are you talking about Julia? What lady?" Craig asked not understanding a word Julia just said.

He had been waiting for her for months and now she's saying he moved on. How could he have moved on without her by his side?

Julia could see the confusion and slight anger in Craig's eyes. Could it be that he hadn't moved on.

"I-I saw you chatting with a blonde lady. Tyler was there and it seemed s-she was really into you" she nervously replied not wanting to get him angry by ignoring his question.

Craig tried to recall the events that transpired after he was out of the hospital and the lady in question, then it hit him

"You say she was blonde?" He asked Julia who nodded her head in reply as she was enjoying Craig's fingers caressing her cheeks.

"That was Tyler's cousin. She heard about the surgery and came over to see me when she learnt I was discharged from the hospital" he replied

"But I thought she was an ex girlfriend or something in between cos she was obviously flirting with you the whole time you two talked" Julia quietly explained not daring to look Craig in the eye because she felt he would think that she was a freak for already getting jealous of a girl she barely knew.

"She's always been that way but I never pay any attention to her... You could've walked in, that way you wouldn't have had any misunderstanding" he calmly said.

"What's wrong?" Julia suddenly asked as she saw a look of hurt in Craig's eyes, it got her worried

"You let go of our relationship because of a simple misunderstanding" Craig said, his voice filled with hurt as his hands left Julia's face, taking away the warmth it brought her causing fresh tears to well up her eyes. She cursed herself for being so insensitive.

"It's not what you think. I t-thought you've realized how terrible I was and..." Julia tried to explain but wasn't able to as she was already sobbing

"I'm sorry" she apologized, knowing that no explanation could justify what she did, then she felt his hands on her cheeks.

"You gave me a reason to live again Julia. I can never stop loving you even if you wanted me to" he assured her as he placed his forehead against hers, their lips were inches apart.

"I'm so.."

"Shhhh" Craig cut her off, placing a finger on her soft lips before slowly leaning in, their lips were almost touching when the door to her office suddenly opened causing them to pull apart.

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