Chapter 13

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  Julia was driving back home with so many thoughts on her mind. She couldn't help but feel horrible about lying to Craig but she had no other choice, that was the only way she could keep their relationship.

She arrived home but was too scared to go into the house. She remained in her car for some minute wondering what her conversation with her dad would be like,it wouldn't be pleasant, that was for sure. She composed herself preparing for the worse before coming out of her car.

"Good day papa, good day mama" she quietly greeted her parents who were waiting for her in the living room.

The look on her dad's face wasn't a worried look but an angry one. He must be really mad at her. Her mom looked rather worried. Julia knew why she had that look, it wasn't because she had no idea about her whereabout or because she had been away from home for too long, it was because she knew that the conversation wasn't going to be like the previous ones,it was going to be unpleasantly different

"Tell me Julia, where are you coming from?" Her dad asked, glaring at her. She could hear the anger in his voice but was trying to remain calm.

"I was at a friend's place" she quietly replied with her head low

"Don't give me that silly excuse Julia!" Her dad yelled finally giving in to his anger

"But I'm telling the truth papa"

"And what truth is that? Tell me. Is it the fact that rather than settle your argument with Jeremy you ran away?"

"No papa. I was needed there" she replied with shaky voice as she was on the verge of crying

"What friend is that that I know nothing about?"

Her dad was right, he knew all her friends and none of them were currently in the city

"You're being too hard on her honey" her mom said trying to calm him

"Well she needs to know how disappointed I am at her behavior"

He finally said it, he was indeed disappointed in her. The statement made Julia release the tears she was trying really hard to hold in

"Why didn't you say anything about what happened to me or your mom, I had to hear it from Matthew who told me that he saw you two arguing. I called Jeremy to find out what really happened since you weren't home, he was reluctant to say anything at first but he finally opened up, saying that you two had fought over your negligence towards your relationship with him. He had wanted you two to sit down and talk but instead you ended up arguing"

Julia was speechless. How could Jeremy come up with such a lie? He shouldn't have said anything at all

"Why do you treat him that way Julia?.. I've seen your attitude towards him and it's not right Julia. You always come up with excuses not to spend time with him"

"That's not true papa.." she countered in tears

"Then tell me, what is?.. You know this relationship isn't just about you Julia, it's also about our company" he angrily said

"Do you know how hurt I was to discover what had happened from Matthew... I always thought there would be no secrets between us"

Julia was stabbed with guilt. This is the first time she's hiding something from her dad, there had been no secrets between them.

Julia couldn't take it anymore, his anger was torturing her already. She hurried towards her dad and hugged him tightly, crying into his chest

"Forgive me papa" she pleaded not letting go of him. After much reluctance, he returned the hug as he didn't like seeing his princess in tears

"Is there something you're not telling me?" He asked softly, stroking her hair lovingly.

Julia sniffled and pulled away from the hug. How was she going to bring out the words without hurting him? She glanced at her mom and noticed she was giving her the look this is your chance to come clean and end the lies.

She turned to her dad who was patiently waiting for her to say something, her subconscious told her to she needed to open up. Maybe if she tells the truth, they would come up with another option other than a wedding union between her and Jeremy.

Julia took in a deep breath finally deciding to tell the truth once and for all

"Papa, I'm..." Just in that moment her dad's phone rang

"We'll continue this conversation later" he said leaving the living room to go receive the call in his study.

Julia knew that their conversation had come to an end, her dad was a very busy man, he barely had any free time and she didn't think she would have the same courage she had gathered a while ago to tell him the truth,
maybe it's better that things be left the way they are.

  Later that night, Jeremy and his parents came over for dinner. Julia knew they were using this as a form of reconciliation between her and Jeremy.

He had a stupid smirk plastered on his face which disgusted her. She couldn't concentrate on the dinner as her thoughts kept drifting to Craig who was at the hospital, she couldn't help but worry about how he was fairing.

Julia's mom kept stealing glances at her. Julia knew that her mom was worried about her,so she had to force a smile each time her mom looked her to assure her that she was okay.

After dinner, both parents remained in the living room while Jeremy and Julia excused themselves and went to the patio

"You know you can't run away from me forever" Jeremy said with that stupid smirk on his face

"You didn't have to come up with such a lame story to make me come back" she angrily retorted

"Did I say something wrong?" He teased placing his index finger under her chin

"You know I was saying the truth, maybe not the entire story but still the truth"

"You're an asshole" she angrily muttered swatting his finger from her face

"I'm your asshole... Face it Julia, you're stuck with me"

Julia felt like slapping him really hard across the face but she was tired of putting up a fight when in the end what he said was the honest truth which by now she ought to have accepted. Jeremy brought his lips to hers whispering in a lustful tone

"By the way, you look sexy tonight" he complimented before devouring her lips.

The kiss was nothing but repulsive to Julia. She had no choice but to let him have his way because she didn't want to start another fight and embarrass her dad.

Thankfully they weren't in the bedroom where he'd want to take things further. Jeremy grabbed her butt making a gasp escape her mouth. He used the opportunity to slid his tongue inside her mouth. God! She hated this man with all her heart.

   Its been two and a half weeks since Julia left Craig at the hospital. He couldn't help but feel worried because she hadn't called once to say hi or know how he was doing, making him wonder if she was okay. He really needed her presence cos she made him feel less nervous about the outcome of the surgery.

When the doctor came to remove the band aid few days back, he declined asking them to wait a little longer in hopes of Julia showing up. He was thankful that they were understanding and had given him three days, if in those three days Julia doesn't show up, they would have no choice but to take off the band aid. Craig happily accepted because he was still being hopeful that Julia would come.

The three days are already up and in two hours, the doctor would come and take off the band aid but Julia still wasn't present.

Craig felt even more lost without Julia by his side now that he would be getting his sight than when he was blind and alone. His only consolation was his bestfriend Tyler who would be present at the time his band aid would be taken off, that would make him happy too. At least he wouldn't feel that the surgery was unnecessary.

Hey lovely readers,sorry I've been away for so long,I know and I'm sorry but I promise to update as soon as I can,so you guys won't get bored with the story

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