Chapter 11

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  Julia knocked on Craig's door but got no response making her allow herself in. On entering his bedroom, she noticed Craig fast asleep,so she quietly shut the door behind her.

Leaning against the door with folded arms, she stared at the man she had fallen in love with sleep so peacefully, he looked so innocent and handsome even while asleep, with those full eyebrows and kissable lips.

Staring at him this long made her realize how badly she had missed every inch of him. Slowly making her way to his bed, she took careful steps so she wouldn't wake him up.

Craig felt light kisses on his cheeks causing his eyes to flutter open. His nose was immediately filled with the scent he had fallen in love with, he couldn't believe she was here. He had thought she was already tired of being with him.

"Julia? You came." He quietly asked, sitting up

Julia knew she had been a terrible girlfriend in the past week, not showing up without any explanation whatsoever. She knew he must have thought she didn't care about him anymore, which is a lie. She adores him but couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth because that would not go well. What she needs from him right now is to help her forget about the horrible thing Jeremy did, thinking about it only brought her sheer mental torment and she really needed to get rid of that feeling

"I need you Craig. I need you so badly" Julia murmured, her lips almost touching his.

Craig noticed that there was pain in her voice, he couldn't understand why she sounded hurt, before he could ask her what was wrong, she locked lips with him. He parted from the kiss, asking

"Julia, are you okay?" 

"Please don't stop" she pleaded and placed her lips on his once more.

Craig had no choice but to give in to her demand, but he knew something was wrong and she sounded too sad to share it.

Julia opened her mouth wider to give him more access as the kiss deepened, what she needed at the moment was all of him. Only his love would heal her of the trauma she was presently going through.

She reached for the Hem of his t-shirt, lifting it above his head revealing his torso. For a blind man who barely did anything, he had an incredible body. She joined lips with him once more, she needed the taste of him. With one swift movement from him, she was straddling him. She guess strength was accompanied with his good looks. Their lips never parted as they were both burning with intense desire. Julia felt his bulge between her thighs; she was glad that even without his sight she could make him feel that way towards her.

Sensual pleasure passed between them, when Craig ended the kiss.

"Do you really want this?" He asked in a husky whisper against her lips, sending shivers all over her body

"I want you Craig, all of you" she whispered back, meshing her lips with his.

Craig kissed Julia with much passion, it felt like she had awoken something inside of him. She reached for her top and slowly loosened the lace. When she was done with the lace, Craig followed her movement and lifted the blouse over her head, leaving the upper part of her body bare like his.

Julia shivered at the sudden gush of wind against her skin. She felt sweet sensation inside her chest as she watched him bury his face between her breasts, gently nuzzling them. She clutched at his shoulders as he nipped her nipples with his lips, causing a low moan to escape her lips. He lifted her up and carefully set her on the bed, kissing her long and deep.

With her trembling hands, she reached for his sweatpants. He helped her out by stripping for her. Julia stared at his now naked body with so much lust as she blessed the day her path crossed with his. He nuzzled her breasts once more as he began trailing hot kisses down her stomach. She could feel the warmth his breath brought to her body.

Craig carefully reached for the zipper of her denim skirt and opened them, tucking his fingers in the lace of her panties. With careful skill,he slid down both her skirt and underwear. This guy is really talented she thought to herself as he was already making her dizzy with desire. He parted her knees and settled between her thighs

"I love you" he whispered in a husky voice as he entered her

"Craig" she cried out in a whimper, curling her hands into a fist in his hair as he went deeper.

His hands were gentle as they skillfully spoiled her with pleasure. He stroked her gently with so much love and affection that drove her wild, causing her to forget everything that happened with Jeremy. He is her healer and she would forever remain grateful to him for that.

  After their love making, they lay  in bed in each other's arms, both satisfied with the experience they just shared

"Craig?" Julia called breaking the silence

"Mmm?" He answered gently stroking her hair.

Julia could feel the vibration his reply caused from his chest sending tingling excitement inside her. She lifted her head from his chest and sat up, leaning her head against the headboard and took his hand that was previously stroking her hair in hers

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I was wondering..." She stopped midway, wondering if she should go on with what she was about to say.

Craig noticed the nervousness in Julia's voice as she spoke. He wondered what she was about to say that had got her so nervous. He took her hand that held his and kissed it, encouraging her to go on with what she was about to say.

"Um. I was wondering if, um there is a possibility that you will see again?" She nervously asked, making Craig to instantly pull his hand away from hers. She could see the sudden change in his countenance as his eyes held pain in them

"Craig, please don't get me wrong. I love you the way you are but I can't continue seeing you torture yourself like this..."

"What happened to me was my fault and I deserve to face the consequences" he replied with sadness in his voice

"Craig, it hurts me much more than you think each time you blame yourself for what happened... You have a life ahead of you and you deserve to live it happily and not with sadness and regrets" she said placing her hand on his cheek, stroking it

"You can't say that when you know nothing about my past Julia.. I used to live a reckless life and this..." He said gesturing to his eyes

"This is my punishment"

"I don't care about your past, I only care about your future" she assured him, placing a light kiss on his lips. She could feel him ease up to her touch

"So, tell me what the doctor said after the accident"

"I never paid attention to what they said because I was too distracted with the pain of knowing that I was blind" he replied, just then there was a knock on the bedroom door

"Dinner is almost ready" Maria announced

"Thanks Nana" Julia shouted in reply

"Thank you" Craig suddenly said getting Julia confused as to why he was being thankful

"What for?" She asked

"For believing in me."


Please don't judge me here. I'm not good at writing stuffs like this 🤭
I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.
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Love you all so much 😘😘😘

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