Chapter 17

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  Mr Williams sat in his office waiting for Julia to come with the files containing the company's present financial report when his intercom rang

"Sir, a man from Hintel mobile company in England says he'd like to see you. I stopped him from coming in since he didn't book an appointment, but he still insists on seeing you. He says it's urgent" the secretary said over the intercom.

Mr Williams couldn't help but wonder what was so urgent that a mobile company from England would want with his company. He remained silent contemplating whether or not to see the person in question.

"Sir, should I send him in?" His secretary asked bringing him out of his thoughts

"Send him in" he replied after giving it some consideration.

"Okay sir" his secretary said before ending the call.

Some seconds later, the door to his office opened revealing his secretary guiding a man who would probably be in his late twenties or early thirties into his office.

"Good day Mr Williams" the man  greeted with a thick English accent.

"Good day Mr..."

"Hubert. Craig Hubert" Craig said as they exchanged a handshake

"Have a seat Mr Hubert" Mr Williams said gesturing him to seat on the chair across his desk before dismissing his secretary.

"So,how may I be of help to you" Mr Williams asked as he took his seat

"I'm sorry for coming unannounced. I know you must be a very busy man. I didn't disclose my purpose of coming to your secretary because I don't know if she is aware of your company's present financial situation" Craig explained

"I'm a representative from Hintel mobile company in England and I'm here to discuss your company's offer to sell majority of its shares"

To say Mr Williams was marvelled was an understatement. It is indeed a fact that none of his employees with an exception of their senior officials were aware of the company's financial state.

He doesn't intend on saying anything until his deal with Mr Walker is finalized, as he had planned on retaining all his workers due to their efficiency at work, that was one of the clause in his deal with his friend.

He was impressed by this total stranger who understands that matters like this shouldn't be spoken of casually but to be handled with discreet.

"I'm listening" Mr Williams replied with a straight face

"Our company has a better offer for you" Craig continued

"Which is?"

"We do not intend on buying just the shares, but the company. All you have to do is name your price" Craig concluded, deciding not to reveal his identity so Mr Williams doesn't feel insulted.

Mr Williams gave Craig an intense look, wondering what to reply. He had been giving Julia's suggestion about looking for other options besides selling the shares to his bestfriend a thought, but hasn't made any move about it. He guessed this was Julia's doing.

He didn't believe she was serious about looking for different options, but why didn't she inform him about this present offer? Maybe she was too busy to remember or she probably has no idea about this one.

Craig on the otherhand was internally hoping that Mr Williams accepts his proposal or at least puts it into consideration. He hoped there hasn't been any other offers like his.

"Well, Mr Hubert..." Mr Williams finally spoke up

"Your offer is quite tempting, but you know one doesn't just jump at this kind of proposal without giving it any thought" he continued

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