Chapter 12

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  Craig gave Tyler a call, asking him to come over the next morning which he did and all three of them went to the hospital.

They saw the doctor who explained that several tests had to be ran on Craig before they could conclude whether or not he would regain his sight.

When the results came back, it showed that the damage the accident had caused to the eyes weren't too severe, so he could regain his sight if a surgery is being performed.

The news made Julia really excited, she couldn't wait for Craig to get his sight back so he'd get the guilt of what happened off his chest. She inquired from the doctor how soon the surgery could be performed and he told her that Craig was physically okay, so the decision was up to them, that's if they would want to perform the surgery.

Julia suggested that the surgery be done as soon as possible, so it was scheduled to be performed in a few days.

Craig was nervous about the whole thing, as much as he wanted his sight back, he was scared that something might go wrong. He couldn't stop himself from wondering why Julia worried so much about his well being when presently he was useless to her, he was worth nothing to anyone other than a burden to those around him.

He was at the same time grateful that she sincerely cared about his well being and also Tyler, his bestfriend who was there for him through everything not judging him once. He would forever be indebted to these two wonderful people in his life.


  Julia spent some days in Craig's place, she didn't want to go back home to face her fiance whose calls she has been ignoring. Just the thought of Jeremy disgusted her. She wondered what the future held for her and Craig. Would she continue seeing him in secret? That wouldn't be as easy as it is now since he would soon regain his sight or should she go ahead and tell him the whole truth? It would break his heart to know that she was already engaged to someone else from the very beginning and never said anything about it,he would despise her and that would leave her shattered,she doesn't want to lose him.

All of those thoughts were slowly draining her physically, mentally and emotionally as she was finding it difficult to fall asleep. She stared at Craig who was sound asleep, gently placing her hand on his hair,she stroked it lightly,she couldn't bring herself to hurt this man but what was she to do? She thought to herself,her head felt like it was about to explode. After a while,she still couldn't think of anything so she decided to lay back on the bed and try to get some sleep.

Julia was in the kitchen with Maria having coffee when her phone rang,it was her dad calling

"Hello Papa"

"Honey. Where are you?" Her dad asked sounding slightly annoyed and worried at the same time

"I'm at a friend's place papa. I'm taking care of something important" she replied

"Really... Julia is there something you're not telling me?"

Julia could hear the hint of suspicion in her dad's voice,he never calls her by her name except when he's being serious or when he's angry at her. She felt bad for upsetting her dad but she had no other choice,she has to hide the truth from him

"No papa. I promise I'll be back home soon"

"You're sure you aren't in some sort of trouble?" Her dad asked,now sounding a bit relaxed

"I'm not papa,I promise"

"I believe you princess but please come home soon"

"I will. I love you so much papa. Please say hello to mama"

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