Chapter 9

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  Julia kept to her promise of taking the day off and spending it with Jeremy. He was so elated and did everything possible to show her off by taking on a date. She knew he was only doing it for the press because he loved publicity, she was able to mask her unease at their date as she didn't want to show any reaction that would give away the fact that she was irritated by his actions as he couldn't keep his hands to himself. He kept touching her at inappropriate places every chance he got and she had to pretend to be fine with it, things she had to do for her dad she thought to herself using the thoughts of her dad as consolation.

The date ended to Julia's relief, Jeremy drove her home. He had wanted to stay a while longer but she pretended to be tired after the date so he'd leave. After he left, she took a shower and went straight to bed.

Julia woke up the next morning and called in sick at the office. She had to lie so she'd take Maria to Craig's place and also spend some time with him, she missed him a lot, his lovely voice and beautiful eyes. Just the thought of him made her forget about all her problems.

After showering, she got dressed and went down to have breakfast before informing her mum about her plans and pleading with her not to tell her dad or Jeremy, whichever of them would ask about her whereabouts, that she had gone to the hospital for a check-up because she would be leaving her phone at home to avoid picking Jeremy's calls. She bade her mom goodbye before leaving with Maria.

They got to Craig's place, and he was surprised but pleased that Julia returned sooner than expected. He wasn't expecting her arrival till the weekend, he guessed she was quite serious about her offer and couldn't wait until the weekend.

She introduced Craig to Maria who she said was her nanny and that he could trust her with anything. He was grateful that she cared about his well-being but felt guilty for making her give up her nanny for him. Julia gave Maria a tour around the house and told her to feel comfortable.

On seeing Craig, Maria instantly liked him which made Julia happy. After getting settled in, Maria decided to go to the kitchen to make lunch for Craig and Julia, while Julia took Craig into his bedroom. She wanted some privacy so they'd make out because she needed his lips on hers to erase that of Jeremy and so as not to make Maria uncomfortable.

Julia let his hands roam her body with warm caresses as she straddled him on the bed. She wished this moment would never end as Craig touched her in ways any woman would want to be touched, like a treasure and not like an object of sex, that was how Jeremy made her feel. She wished she didn't have to get married to him, that way she would be able to be with Craig.

She felt terrible for lying to her dad and Craig and couldn't help her mind from wondering what Craig's reaction would be if he found out that she was engaged, he would hate her that's for sure.

Julia couldn't bear the thought of losing Craig because if she did, she'd remain shattered for the rest of her life. She tore her thoughts away from the negative things and let herself get consumed by the pleasure she was enjoying at the moment.

Julia said goodbye after having lunch, she didn't want to stay too long so Jeremy wouldn't get suspicious of her whereabouts and confront her about it because she wasn't ready for his drama.

Mr Williams was in his study working late when he heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," he said.

"Papa occupatus es/  Papa, are you busy?" Julia asked popping her head in, leaving the door slightly opened

Julia's mom is of Mexican descent, while her dad is an American but he fell in love with the culture of the Mexicans and was also attracted to a certain Latina and learned to speak their language to woo her which worked because the woman today is his wife.

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