Chapter 4

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Craig?... Would it be okay with you if I come to visit whenever I'm free?" Julia asked in a low voice.

"Sure. I still owe you those cooking lessons," he replied with a broad smile.

Julia was excited, she never thought he'd agree to her coming over but she was glad he did, that way she'd still get to see more of his charming smile and listen to his mesmerizing voice. Knowing that gave her so much happiness that she could hardly contain it.

"I'll call to say hi, okay?" She said after taking his number.

"Okay," he replied.

"I have to be on my way cos I'm certain my parents are worried sick about me."

"You better get going then, before they involve the police, thinking you've gone missing," Craig said causing Julia to let out a chuckle.

"Goodbye," she said placing a kiss on his cheek to his surprise.

Julia felt her adrenaline rush in excitement which was triggered by the little body contact she just shared with Craig. She wished she didn't have to say goodbye.

Craig walked Julia to her car with their hands intertwined. He insisted he could walk by himself but she refused, not because she felt he couldn't walk by himself but because she wanted to feel his strong and welcoming hands that fit perfectly with hers. She said goodbye to Tyler, who had been outside making a call, before getting into her car and driving off.

Julia was driving when her phone beeped, indicating that she had a message. She instantly remembered that she had forgotten it inside the car. She picked it up from the passenger seat where it had been lying and saw that she had about a hundred missed calls and seventy-five messages, her dad was the one who tried calling the most. She instantly felt guilty for not calling to let them know that she was okay, it had skipped her mind. She decided to give her dad a call, but before the call could get through, her battery went dead.

"Just great!" She muttered. Now they would be more worried.

  Julia arrived home after an hour's drive. It felt so good to be back home in one piece. At twenty-four, she still lived with her parents and couldn't care less what anyone thought about it. She loved her parents a lot and would live with them until she got married, but the thought of getting married, especially to Jeremy gave her the creeps.

Walking into the mansion, she was engulfed in a hug by her mom.

"Oh, my baby! Thank goodness you're alright. You got us worried." Her mom said.

"Oh, Mama, I'm so sorry. My car broke down and my cellphone battery went dead," Julia explained, returning the hug. She saw her dad coming from the direction of his study.

"Papa, I'm sorry I got you worried." She apologized, walking over to him and embracing him.

"I wasn't just worried, I was scared that you've been hurt or missing. I already called the cops, but they didn't want to declare you missing just yet," her dad replied as he reciprocated the hug.

"My car broke down and then there was a heavy downpour, I got confused and forgot my phone in the car. When I wanted to return your call this morning, my cellphone went dead... Forgive me, Papa." She apologized once again.

"It's okay, princess. But please, don't forget to call the next time something like this happens."

"I won't, Papa."

"My baby must have been really scared. Where did you pass the night?" Her mom asked with much concern. She couldn't help but check to see if there was any harm done to her baby.

"I'm fine, Mama. I got help from a nice stranger who let me spend the night at his place... He also got a mechanic to fix my car." She said with a broad smile. Just thinking about Craig made her happy.

"I'm glad you're okay, dear. Jeremy was worried about you," her mom said. Julia scoffed at her mom's statement.

"What does Jeremy have to do with this?... Did you tell him I was missing? She asked sounding annoyed.

"No, love. Jeremy and his parents were here last night, we invited them over for dinner since we were also expecting you. After hours of waiting without knowing if you were okay, Jeremy wanted to go in search of you as we all got worried, but your dad stopped him... So he asked us to tell you to give him a call when you arrive."

Julia rolled her eyes at her mom's explanation. Who was he to tell her what to do? He always acted like he owned her and she hated that about him. What was she saying? She hated everything about Jeremy, even though they had always been family friends and also attended the same college. She never liked him as a person because he always thought of himself as one who could have everything he wanted, her included. She was only putting up with him because of her dad.

Her dad's company was close to bankruptcy after the company's accountant siphoned the company's money, leaving them with barely anything. He is currently in hiding with the cops on his tail.

Jeremy's dad had offered to buy the majority of the company's shares to help the company get back on its feet, but with the condition that Julia would get married to Jeremy. She knew that her dad accepted the offer for the family and also for Julia's best interest, so they'd still have access to the company before they would be able to raise the money to get it back or preferably start up another company. Julia only accepted to marry Jeremy to make her dad happy, to the detriment of her happiness.

"Mama, I'm really tired right now and would like to get some rest. You can give Jeremy a call, that's if you want to. As for me, I'm going to rest for a while," she replied, making her mom realize that she had no intention of calling him.

Julia's mom gave her a pitiful look. She understood what her daughter was going through accepting to get married to Jeremy to help the family's company and not for the sake of love, so she decided against stressing the issue.

"Okay, honey." Her mom replied.

Julia hugged her parents once more before heading for the bedroom. She was lying on her bed when her phone beeped, she moved over to where she was charging it on the nightstand and saw that it was a text from Jeremy.

'Babe, are you alright? You got us all worried. Where were you last night?' It read.

She didn't bother replying and was about to go back to bed when her phone started to ring. She checked the caller ID and saw that it was Jeremy, and she groaned in annoyance. After several rings, she decided to pick up the call.

"Hello?" she answered drily.

"Why aren't you replying to any of my messages?" He asked sounding angry. She rolled her eyes at his question

"My battery was dead, okay? I just plugged it," she replied.

"You should've at least called to say you wouldn't be arriving last night instead of getting us all worried," he scolded. Julia was beyond pissed.

"Look here, Jeremy. I went through a lot last night and I really need to rest, so can you just drop the scolding and let me get some rest?" she angrily snapped.

"Woah! Babe, take it easy, okay? I'll leave you for now, but you still have to tell me everything later, okay?" He requested.

Julia sighed, she didn't want to go on with the conversation so she agreed to his request.

"Okay," she said.

"Okay, babe. Love you."

"Bye," she replied and hung up.


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