Chapter 14

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  Maria had told Craig and Tyler when she came to visit him in the hospital few days back that she was convinced Julia wasn't present because she must be taking care of something very important and was certain that she'd show up when she was less busy.

Craig used Maria's words as an encouragement and not try to dampen his mood with negative thoughts but instead get some rest before the doctor shows up.

   Julia couldn't sleep, so she sat on her bed staring at nothing in particular. She had barely slept for days now because she couldn't stop herself from worrying about Craig.

She doesn't have the privilege of going anywhere other than the company because Jeremy has been on her tail, thereby preventing her from going to see Craig. She feels so trapped and helpless.

Jeremy had confronted her before, saying he was having suspicions that she was seeing someone. Here he was accusing her of infidelity when he is actually cheating in the open. What an hypocrite.

Julia's bedroom door opened revealing her mom. She walked in, gently shutting the door behind her

"Mama, why aren't you asleep yet?" Julia asked

"Cos I'm worried about you" her mom sighed

Hearing her mom's words saddened her. She created space on the bed so her mom would join her

"How are you feeling honey?"

"I'm fine mama"

"I knew you'd say that... Love, you can tell that to your dad or anyone else and they'd buy it, but not me. I'm your mother and I know you aren't truly saying how you feel. So I ask again, are you okay?"

"I'm not okay mama. I'm really worried about Craig. I have no idea how he is doing, if he's still in the hospital or not... Being away from him for so long is pure torture mama" Julia confessed. Her mom could see the sadness in her daughter's eyes

"Have you called him?"

"I can't mama. I don't want to call and give him false hopes of going to see him when in reality, I won't" she replied, her voice trembling

"But honey, he'll be worried about you, thinking the worst that something bad must have happened to you... Just call him and explain things to him" her mom suggested

"It's not that easy mama. What do I tell him? That I'm engaged and that's the reason I've been away?... He'd hate me and think I took advantage of him, but that's not the case.  I love him so much mama" she explained, breaking down in tears. Her mom held her while she cried

"I'm stuck mama. I don't know how to get out of this without losing him" she sobbed

"I still suggest that you tell him the truth, If he loves you, he'll understand. That way if you two eventually break up, you won't end up being enemies"

"Mama, please don't say that"

"Just think about what I've told you" her mom said soothing her.

Julia considered her mom's advise and came to the conclusion that she was going to tell Craig the whole truth during the weekend. She stayed in her mom's arms as she cradled her to sleep.

    Saturday came fast. Julia got out of bed early in eager anticipation of meeting Craig. She wondered if he would still be in the hospital. What would be his reaction when he sees her? Would he be excited and impressed or be disappointed?

She didn't really put all these thoughts into consideration before deciding to go to him. What if he would be mad at her for not coming over all these times and also disappointed in her, that would be heartbreaking.

And to think she was going to give him bad news that would break his heart even more. 'Is this how horrible you are, after abandoning him and not showing up for weeks' . She decided to get those thoughts off her head and not use it as an excuse to procastinate, but rather hope for the best.

Julia got prepared, had breakfast and pleaded with her mom to cover up for her if her dad wakes up and ask about her whereabout before saying goodbye and leaving for the hospital.

  On her arrival to the hospital, she went straight to Craig's room. When she got there, she saw someone else instead of Craig which got her confused, so she went to the reception to inquire if a patient named Craig Hubert was still in the hospital. She was told he had already been discharged a week ago, surprising Julia.

She hadn't realized until now, that it really had been a long time she saw Craig. She apologized for taking the nurse's time and asked her if the doctor that carried out Craig's surgery was present in the hospital. After checking through the computer, she was told that he was in his office and she could go see him.

Julia thanked the nurse before excusing herself to go see the doctor. When she got to his office, the doctor told her that he had been discharged and the bandage has been taken off after being observed for weeks, the surgery was 100% successful, so she shouldn't worry.

The doctor also told her that Craig had waited for her to come before the bandage was taken off because he had wanted her to be the first person he saw after regaining his sight. The information made Julia let out the tears she had been holding in. Her hatred for Jeremy increased. This was all his fault, he made her abandon the love of her life when he needed her the most.

The doctor comforted her and told her to be happy that the surgery was successful, that was the most important thing. Julia let what the doctor say comfort her as she stopped crying. She thanked him and left his office for Craig's place, she really needed to see him.

Julia got to Craig's place but remained in her car because she was extremely nervous. What excuse was she going to give to back up her negligence for the past weeks. She knew that no excuse whatsoever could justify the fact that she didn't call, not even once considering the fact that her boyfriend was in the hospital waiting for her to show up.

That is unforgivable, she couldn't even forgive herself for lying to him so how does she expect him to forgive her with whatever excuse she comes up with. To top it all, she was coming to tell him everything, the whole truth.

Holding her hands together to stop them from trembling, she inhaled deeply to control her speeding heartbeat

"You can do this" she encouraged herself before stepping out of her car.

On reaching the front door, Julia noticed that it was slightly ajar. She could hear voices coming from the living room. Could it be that he had guests? She decided to peek just to be certain, because it would be rude to just intrude and interrupt them.

Julia's heartbeat suddenly stopped with what she saw. Craig did have a guest and it was a female guest, who was sitting extremely close to him and was obviously flirting with him. To her, it looked like Craig didn't mind. Could it be that he didn't notice or was he just letting her have her way?

At that moment Tyler came in view with a tray of coffee and cupcakes. He also seemed excited as he joined in on the conversation after placing the tray on the coffee table. Could it be that the female in question was his ex?

Julia peeled her eyes away from the scene, her heart was shattered. What she just saw hurt her more than any reaction she was preparing to receive from Craig. She didn't know she was already in tears, until she felt a drop on her hand.

Julia, why are you crying? She internally questioned herself. Rather than crying from the hurt you are feeling, you should be happy that he has moved on.

Julia was a little relieved that she was no longer going to hurt him with what she had earlier planned on telling him today. It's better things are left this way because no matter what, she wasn't going to end up with him, she already knew that from the start. So she quietly walked away from the door to her car with uncontrollable tears rolling down her cheeks.

Who else is feeling Julia's pain?😞

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