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   Julia kept staring at the contract papers before her in confusion. She was more than surprised at the words on the documents. Her dad had read them and handed it over to her since the papers were filled in her name, so he decided she handled it herself.

Julia stared at the manager, Mr Bradford and the lawyer, Mr Callum who accompanied him for the millionth time. She couldn't believe that they were buying her dad's company in her name. 'What sort of joke is that?' she wondered.

"I don't get it... Why again did you say your boss is acquiring the company in my name?" She asked for the third time, not bothering to hide the confusion in her voice.

"Ma'am, like I said before. My boss chose to buy the company in your name to avoid losing the current customers and mostly workers your company has, that would ensure the continual smooth running of the company's affairs without anyone noticing the change in management... My boss promises to pay for any damages this might cause you and gives you his assurance that everything will be clarified within a short period of time, that's when we're fully settled in" Mr Callum explained once again.

"Why isn't your boss here again?" She asked

"He's on his way. He is held in traffic" Mr Bradford replied

"Well ma'am, if you have no issues with our conditions, my boss would really appreciate it if you'd just sign the papers and ask whatever questions you have when he arrives" Mr Callum suggested while stealing glances at his phone.

Julia could understand their point but what she couldn't understand was why the company was left in her name rather than her dad's considering that the company was built by him. For her, it would've been preferable if it remained in her dad's name.

Mr Williams gave his daughter a nod of approval when she turned to him with a look, asking for his permission. The nod meant he didn't have a problem with their conditions and neither did she as long as they were going to sell the company at the agreed price.

Julia took a deep breath before signing the papers. Mr Callum took the papers from her, carefully looking at each page to be sure that she had signed on every page before turning to Mr Bradford, giving him a nod. Mr Bradford then typed on his phone before looking up at Julia and her dad.

"He is here" Mr Bradford announced.

'This is going to be awkward' Julia thought to herself.

The door to the boardroom opened, everyone turned to see who it was and Craig walked in. Julia was really excited by his presence, she didn't believe he'd show up after all. She couldn't deny the fact that he looked hot on suit and tried her best not to drool over him but contain her excitement and focus on the present situation, so she dragged her eyes away from Craig and focused on the door, waiting for the man behind all this.

"Welcome sir" Mr Bradford greeted, making Julia tear her eyes away from the door to see whom he was referring to.

"The papers have been signed" he added, handing the documents to Craig.

Julia was confused and shocked at the same time. She couldn't understand what was going on as she stared at them with wide eyes.

"Mr Hubert is your boss?" Mr Williams asked in surprise

"What is going on here?" Julia managed to ask as she recovered from her state of shock.

"Mr Williams, miss Williams meet Mr Craig Hubert, the owner of Hintel mobile company" Mr Bradford introduced.

Julia couldn't believe it, Craig had lied to her. She could see the guilt in his eyes, those beautiful eyes that looked at her with so much love had lied to her straight in the face, she felt betrayed as she tried to hold back the tears that was starting to well up her eyes.

Why couldn't he just open up to her about his identity?

"Julia, I.." Craig tried to talk but was cut off by Julia

"I can't believe this!" She exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief before running out of the boardroom.

Craig felt hurt as he watched Julia walk out. He knew he had hurt her by not telling her the truth, which to him was unforgivable. He couldn't help but think of what to do or say to make her understand and forgive him.

"This really is a surprise" Mr Williams said bringing Craig out of his thoughts.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding Mr Williams. It never was my intention to lie to you from the beginning. I recently lost my father and had no choice but to take up the family business. I didn't want you to feel insulted by my proposal, that was why I hid my identity" he explained as they hands.

"It's okay son. It was nice doing business with you" Mr Williams replied, giving his shoulder a pat. He couldn't be angry at Craig as he has taken a liking to him for the short period of time he has spent with him.

"Thank you sir.. um... Can I go have a word with Julia, if you don't mind?" Craig asked

"Sure, go ahead" he replied and Craig rushed out of the boardroom to go after Julia.

  Julia couldn't stop the tears that kept falling down her face as she slumped on her office seat.

Why would Craig betray her this way?

Why couldn't he tell her the truth about who he was?

He just made her feel like a fool, telling her that everything was going to be okay like he was trying to make her feel better when he could've just told her that he could take care of the situation.

She needed to stop acting like a child by crying and feeling angry and betrayed and look at the bright side of everything. Just as she had calmed herself from crying, the door to her office opened. She raised her head to see who it was and noticed Craig quietly walk in. He took steps towards her.

"Julia, I'm..." She didn't let him finish his statement as she stood up on her feet and slapped him hard across the face.

Craig knew he deserved that for lying to her

"I know I deserve that and more. I'm sorry for keeping my identity a secret from you" he apologized.

He knew that whatever she was going to say or do was something he deserves. He just wants to apologise and make her understand that he did everything for her sake, just like how she went to a great length in making him a better person.

Julia instead engulfed Craig in an embrace, taking him by surprise

"Thank you" she whispered, burrowing her face in his neck

She was grateful that she wasn't getting married to Jeremy anymore and that her dad's burden was lifted off his shoulders all thanks to Craig Hubert, the man she fell in love with.

                    THE END

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