Chapter 19

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  Craig was beyond shocked to hear that Julia was engaged all this time. He couldn't believe he had been romantically involved with someone's else's fiancee. It all made sense now, that was the reason Maria never wanted him to go look for Julia at her place. How could he be so stupid that he didn't suspect a thing? He guessed what he felt for her made him gullible, but she could've trusted him enough to tell him the truth. He felt betrayed.

"My dad's company is going through a difficult financial situation, so he decided to sell majority of his shares to his bestfriend, that's Jeremy's dad" Julia quietly explained, bringing Craig out of his trance.

"Papa decided that a union between Jeremy and I would be the best way to seal the deal. I can't go against papa even though I have no feelings for Jeremy. I know he has my best interest at heart" she added

"Then I met you. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I tried ignoring my feelings for you but I couldn't" she continued, her voice breaking while she talked

"I didn't say anything about my relationship because I was scared you'd hate me. I didn't want to lose you... There are times I felt compelled to tell you everything but I refrain myself cos I'm too scared of how you'd react. I'm sorry for not saying anything sooner" she finally apologized, sobbing as she prepared herself for Craig's outburst but instead she felt his strong arms around her, pulling her to his chest. 

Craig couldn't be mad at Julia after everything she had just said. He would've done the same if he was in her place.

"You did nothing wrong" he calmly said

"You don't understand. I took advantage of your kindness, which is unforgivable. You're supposed to be mad at me" she muttered, crying into his chest

"That is for me to decide and I say you did nothing wrong" he assured her, making Julia pull away from his chest and stared into his eyes.

"You don't hate me?" She asked in a timid voice

"No. I can't,even if I try to"

Craig's confession made Julia very happy as she engulfed in a hug

"Thank you" she kept muttering.

Craig's mind drifted with so many thoughts. He couldn't help but think that Julia had eventually fallen for Jeremy when she thought he had moved on.

"You never told me why you were at the company today" Julia suddenly said, luring Craig back to earth.

He didn't know if he should tell her the truth about his intention of buying the company. He wondered if she would be happy to know that he offered to have complete ownership of her dad's company. He decided it was best she didn't know, that way she wouldn't think he lied to her about his identity just to take advantage of her

"I came as a representative from my company to talk about the shares your dad intends to sell" he half lied

"You got a job already?" Julia squealed in excitement. Craig nodded in reply, feeling guilty for not opening up completely.

Julia internally prayed that the company where Craig works would buy the shares so she doesn't have to get married to Jeremy, that was the main reason she had secretly advertised the company's intention of selling its shares. She hopes her dad would forgive her for taking such action without his knowledge.

"When are you getting married to Jeremy?" Craig blurted out before he could stop himself. He mentally cursed himself for doing that.

Julia felt a deep sadness from Craig's question. She knew he was hurt knowing she would be getting married to someone else. She was also hurt with the thought of losing him.

"Oh that.." she muttered with hurt laced in her voice

"The wedding is in two months"

She could feel her chest hurting just saying those words, but there was nothing she could do about it. Julia wished there was another way out of the mess she was in. She didn't realize that she was crying until she felt Craig wipe a tear from her face.

"Everything is going to be okay" he cooed

"You don't understand, it's not that easy for this nightmare to just vanish" she countered sobbing

"Julia, look at me" he requested, cupping Julia's face in his hands as he stared into her eyes

"Everything is going to be okay, I promise" he assured her, placing a kiss on her forehead before pulling her in for a hug.

In that moment, Craig made a promise to himself that he was going to buy the company no matter the cost. He would rather think selfishly than lose the woman he cherished.

Craig and Julia spent the night together in each other's arms as they've both yearned for each other's touch during the past months.

Julia returned home after having breakfast the next morning with mixed feeling of happiness and sadness. She was happy because her conversation with Craig turned out better than she had expected, but her sadness was based on the reality that their romantic relationship will be short-lived due to her arranged marriage to Jeremy.


  Few weeks had gone by since Julia told Craig the truth. She has been spending more time with him and has been avoiding Jeremy, which was getting on his nerves. Jeremy constantly called her over the phone and swore abusive words incoherently but Julia could care less about his opinion because he wasn't a saint.

He goes out with different women almost every week which wasn't her problem because she isn't interested in his life or whatever he does, so she doesn't see why he was getting all worked up and upset about her whereabouts, besides, he is going to finally get what he wants in a couple of weeks.

She guessed it really was her fate to get married to Jeremy or should she say Ill luck, which is why she needs to spend more time with Craig so she'll cherish the memory of their romance for a very long time, that way she would be able to tolerate her marriage to Jeremy. He truly was one lucky bastard.

  Julia's hope skyrocketed when she took Craig on a tour around the company, but soon faltered when he said nothing with regards to what his boss thought about the company. She guessed they weren't impressed with the report they got.

It itches her so much to question him about it but she refrained herself from doing so since he hasn't brought up the topic on occasion, even when they were together, maybe it was best she didn't know a thing so she wouldn't feel more hurt with whatever he was going to tell her. She knew his choice not to say anything was in her best interest.

Hello my beautiful followers and readers. I just wanted to let you all know that this story is coming to an end.
I couldn't be more grateful to you all who have waited for over two months for me to update. I'm sincerely grateful for your patience and understanding and I hope to come up with more lovely stories for your reading pleasure.
Love you all 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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