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Making it back to the trap we quickly entered the dungeon where all the killing went down basically because no one could hear you. Dre was knocked out because the crew literally beat him to sleep on the way back. We tied him up on chain and threw cold water on him to wake him up.

"Get yo bitch ass up. Nigga you got some explaining to do," I said to Dre as he woke up.

He could barely see one of his eyes was swole and fucked up. I needed the other one to be okay so this nigga could see what imma do to his ass.

"I just wanna know why do that shit to me? We was like brothers I put yo ass before some of my own blood that's the fucked up part," I said pistol whipping him with my gun.

"I had to," he said lowly.

"What nigga I can't hear you. I don't give a fuck about shit speak up so I can hear you."

"I had to do it for my family," he said lowly but I could hear him.

"What family nigga? Last time I checked yeen have no damn family my family took you in when your mom became a damn crackhead and when your dad threw both y'all to the side to be with his side bitch."

"I have a daughter. I never told anyone about her. When I went to New Orleans I went because of my lil girl. While I was down dea some niggas jacked me and I went to get my shit back but got jammed up and the niggas took my daughter and her moms. They told me if I didn't get you gone they would kill the both of them,"Dre said breathing heavy.

"Why didn't you come and tell a nigga shit and who sent you to do this shit," I asked him.


Once he said the name I knew right then I already knew what this was about and it's only one way to put all this shit to an end.

"Come on bro you know I'll never betray you like that. The niggas I was with is his workers. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't lose my family man," he said breathing heavily.

I walked out the room and never looked back this shit starting to add up quick and I got a plan for that.

Walking towards my car I got in and headed towards a very important place. I had some shit I had to make right.


Leaving school with Hannah we got in our cars and headed home. Shay has the nerves to go around school telling everyone that she's pregnant by Pooh but that didn't even bother me. The bitch don't know who the baby daddy is so I could care less.

After pulling up in the drive way we got out the cars and headed straight towards the house. I seen an unfamiliar car in the drive way but I didn't care who it was I was sleepy as hell.

Making my way into the house the first thing that caught my eye was Toosii sitting on the couch talking to Mr.Gater. I ignored him and went straight to my room so I could relax.

"Bitch why is he here?" Hannah asked.

"Girl I don't know.Maybe he came to see Mr.Gater. You know that's his godson," I said.

"Girl did you see the way he was looking at you. I think he likes you that's why he be bitchin when it come to you."

"Girl no he doesn't because if he did he wouldn't have treated me that way when I was nothing but nice to him."

"Well I don't know girl dudes are fucked up. They never see the problems females see, but I'll be back im about to go handle some business," Hannah said walking out my room.

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