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Waking up in my bed Ky was next to me still sleeping while the triplets were in their cribs sleep. I eased out of bed placed on my robe and house shoes not wanting to wake the birthday girl up. I went into the bathroom and did my morning hygiene and went down stairs to get breakfast started.

I went over to the fridge and pulled out biscuits sausages eggs and grabbed the grits out of the cabinet. I was cooking something small because today is the day of the party. I grabbed my phone and noticed I had a text from Hannah saying that she would be over in a lil bit. I texted her back and decided to play slow jams until breakfast was finished.

I turned to notice Jay coming into the kitchen texting away on her phone.

"Goodmorning sis,"I said as I made our plates of food.

"Goodmorning sis and ohhh yeah food you know me so well,"Jay said as she hugged me.

"Yeen have to fix my plate though,"she said as she walked over to wash her hands.

"Girl I know I ain't have to but it's just the mommy instincts trust me you'll see once you have your own child,"I told her while fixing the triplets a plate of eggs and grits.

"See un uh don't put no demon seeds on me,"she said laughing. "I mean I love my nieces and my lil brother but I don't want no kids,"she said as she grabbed her plate.

"Ouuu food,"Andre said as he ran into the kitchen.

"Nigga damn we don't get no Goodmorning sisters or nothing straight to the food huh,"Jay said as she pushed Andre playing.

"Goodmorning uglies now move I'm ready to eat,"he said as he grabbed a plate and went into the living room.

"Noo sir bring yo ass back in here yeen finna mess up my white carpet,"I told him as he turned around to come sit in the kitchen.

I placed the triplets plate in the fridge to let it cool down while I went upstairs to check to see if they was woke. Once I made it up the stairs everybody was up and Ky was being a big sister and trying to help them get out the crib.

"Baby let mommy know when you're trying to get them out. You don't wanna hurt your lil sisters right?" I asked her.

"No mommy I don't,"she said as she helped me get them out.

"Okay good girl now you take Dayshon downstairs since she's the smallest you think you can handle her  and be a big girl?"

"Yes mommy let's go,"she said as we walked out the room.

Making it down stairs we sat the triplets in their high chairs and placed their plates infront of them. They usually used their hands to eat considering that they don't know how to use a spoon yet.

I went into the living room to grab a present that I had wrapped for Ky.

"Ky do you know what today is?"I asked her.

"Uhhh no mommy."

"Silly it's your birthday,"I told her as I picked her up.

"Ohh my gosh how could I forget mommy,"she said dramatically as she put her hand on her forehead.

"Look mommy has a surprise for you,"I said as I pushed the button for her brand new pink Range Rover car.

"Ahhhh can I drive it right now mommy,"Ky asked.

"No you have to eat and everything else first,"I told her as she sat down to eat her food.

"Well tete Jay had a surprise for you too,"Jay said getting up from the table.

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