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I sat and waited on the doctors to come tell me something. My nerves were shook and I could barely talk. This feeling is something that could scar a mother for life.

Everyone was sitting in the waiting room. Damion Toosii Bianca and even Alexis. Right now I wasn't thinking about neither of them my baby was my main focus.

I walked up to the front desk to ask them have the heard anything for the 10th time just to be told no again and to have a seat.

"You know I'm tired of y'all telling me y'all ain't heard shit yet. Do your job and go check on it,"I said.

"Ma'am I'm doing my job right now while I sit her and check clients in until told otherwise,"she said chewing on gum.

"Fat bitch don't make me drag you away from this damn desk,"I said as I walked towards but Damion came to stop me.

"Calm down May. We are about to get answers right now let me do the talking right now,"he said.

"Look can you go get some info on my granddaughter,"Damion said throwing 500 dollars at her.

She quickly picked the money up and walked to the back to see what's going on with my baby.

"Ghetto ass bitch. I don't even know how she get this damn job she is too unprofessional. Atleast have class when you're at work,"I said.

I waited on her to come to come out the door and when she did she came back with a doctor.

"Mother of Daysha Bennett,"the doctor said as he stood there.

"Yes I'm her."

"That's a strong baby you have there. She was dead when you brung her in and we managed to bring her back too life. She is on a breathing machine right now to get breathing under control and she should be able to leave in the morning."

Hearing him say that I dropped too my knees and cried. It wasn't nobody but God. He was helped me two times back to back and I couldn't thank him enough. Just when you think God doesn't hear you he comes and show you that he is always listening and working.

"Thank you thank you so much,"I said as I hugged the doctor. "When can we go see her?"

"You're more than welcomed to visit her now. Follow me and I'll show y'all the way,"he said as he walked into the back of the hospital.

Dre stayed to watch Bianca and Alexis and the rest of us went back to see my baby Daysha this has been a long time coming for not just me for all of us.

I walked into the room to see my baby laying there with a machine hooked on her sleep. I placed small kisses on her cheeks and held her little hand. I was so happy to see my baby too touch her and to love her even more than before.

"I'm happy all this is over. We can finally be a family,"Damion said as he walked over to look at Daysha.

"Thanks too y'all I probably wouldn't have her if I had to do this by myself."

"That would've never happened. You know we got you more than you got yourself,"Toosii said coming over to hug me.

"Thanks bestie that really means a lot too me."

"Bestieee????"he said acting surprised and wiping fake tears.

"Shut up and stop playing,"I said as I pushed him away from me.

We all sat there and talked for about a good hour until Damion decided too leave and go get a hotel room since we are staying until tomorrow. As for Bianca and Alexis they'll have to stay too until we figure out what we are going too do with them. I didn't care about killing or revenge right now I just cared about my baby.

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