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Jay and I were on our way to the nail shop when I got a FaceTime call from Jas.

"Hey mom,"I said as Jay looked at me.

"Hey girl. Ky wanted to see you and I'm sure you wanna see the triplets,"she said.

"Yes I do. Hey my baby girl,"I said to Ky as she grabbed the phone.

"Hi mommy I miss you,"she said smiling.

"I miss you more. Look I have a surprise for you,"I said flipping the camera on Jay.

"Woah I have two mommies,"she said looking confused.

"No silly I have a sister and she is your tete Jay."

"Ohhh hey tete Jay,"she said waving.

"Hey pretty girl,"Jay said smiling and waving back.

"Let me see your sisters,"I said as she placed the phone on them.

"Aww look at my babies,"I said showing Jay as she stopped at the red light.

"Tell Jay I cant wait to meet her. She don't know who I am but I've heard a lot about her,"Jas said.

"She knows who you are mom I told her and gah guess what,"I said.


"We went to the club lastnight and I enjoyed myself I really needed it."

"Girl that's good. Let some of that stress of you. At the end of the day that shit can mess over you."

"May bighead ass,"I heard over the phone.

"Boy didn't I tell yo ass about that cursing. I'm finna beat yo ass,"Jas said.

"Oh shit. Jas I forgot to tell you that we got a lil brother long story short I had to take care of since Jackie didn't know what being a mother was,"I said.

"Tell Andre Imma whoop his ass myself he better put some respect on my name,"I said.

"Girl he heard you. But lemme go Dayshan bout to start crying,"she said as she hung up the phone.

I looked over at Jay who looked like the conversation was awkward by the look on her face.

"What's wrong?"I asked her.

"Nothing. I mean it's just that seeing how you and Jas bond is a little frustrating for me. I craved to have a mom in my life for so long but I got over it by not thinking about it. But seeing how you two talk to eachother I'm feeling kinda down especially at knowing that our real mom was a deadbeat,"she said focusing on the rode.

"Jay I know exactly how you feel. I was so upset at dad for not telling me who he really is and the whole time I craved for a father figure. I let it go after I found out the truth and here I am. But I can guarantee you once you meet Jas you'll have that mother figure in your life. She might not be your real mom but she damn sure is the best mom you can ever have,"I told her.

"Since we are on the subject. How about you and nana move to Chicago?"

"Girl Chicago? I would never. Naw I'm just playing it ran across my mind I would love too move to be with you guys but nana is going to have a hard time with moving especially since her mom is the one who left her the house,"she said.

"Well that's a talk that all of us including dad can have with her. Now that we have this bond I don't want you to leave,"I said as I hugged her before getting out the car.

I checked my phone to see that I had a text from Chris I smiled as I replied back to him so called crackin on me. We have been texting since the night I replied to him late. It was nothing major. In order to keep from being depressed about something that I have no control over. A nigga gone be a nigga but you will not be that nigga when you with me.

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