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1 week later


It's been a week since May was in the hospital. Come to find out she is in a coma and was diagnosed with preeclampsia. Doctors say that the baby and May might not make it but I pray to God that they do. May is strong and I know she will continue to fight.

I had so much pressure on me since this happened. With music and my label being down my back and with Ky it was too much for me. I hired a nanny for for Ky until this is solved. This shit was really fuckin with a nigga bad and I didn't know what to do. I needed to look for an assistant as well I got a lot on my plate right now considering a nigga don't know when May is going to wake up.

Pulling up to the yo some of my niggas was already there to help me figure some shit out.

"Wassup Pooh," my nigga AJ said as he dapped me up. "Wifey good? I hear the news somebody paid somebody to put that shit out."

"Yeah she good man just gotta keep a lil faith and you know motherfuckers will do anything for a dollar," I said honestly. I didn't want everybody in my business when it came to a nigga personal life but that's what I signed up for.

While in the yo I got a text from a number a nigga never seen before. After replying back and waiting come to find out it was Toosii bitch ass. I know y'all like damn y'all cousin y'all need to talk it out,but I don't respect no nigga that's disrespecting my girl. That shit ain't right.

I wanted to kill this nigga but I had to think about May and my children. That's the only reason I brushed it to the side but I'm definitely gone meet up with this nigga soon. After putting my phone down and laying a verse for two in the yo it was time for the interviews for my assistant.

Walking out the booth there was a line full of females ready to be interviewed for the position and honestly I was just ready to pick someone. After narrowing it down to three females Yoyo, Stacy and Michelle we still couldn't decided on who to choose.

"Man pick yoyo that bitch fine," Aj said. "I'm tryna see wassup with that,"he said rolling up a blunt.

"Man looks don't matter it's what they bring to the table ass this just temporary until shit get back right," I said looking through some papers.

"Man whatever even if you don't I'm about to get her number before she leave I'm tryna have that bitch shouting Chinese shit when I'm done with that ass,"Aj said.

I started to laugh because this nigga was a clown but he was right she did have the best paperwork that we looked at out of the other two girls. After calling the females back in the room I told them that I decided to go with Yoyo.

"This is only a temporary job until things get situated with my wife. You'll be working Monday through Saturday off Sunday. Whatever I tell you to do you'll do and you'll get paid 1,300 every month since it's temp. Here's a list of things I need you to do today and be done by 6p.m. On the days my daughter nanny is off I'll need you to drop her off at her grandparents house. I'll run a background check first before I let you drive my daughter around. One fuck up and yo ass is fired no ifs and or buts about it.. got it?"

"Yes I got it. You won't be disappointed,"she said as she stood up.

"Here are the keys to the car you'll be driving around no personal stops in my shit either," I told her.

"Okay I got it. I'll head out now if I wanna be back in time," she said walking out the door.

Yoyo in the mm.

Sitting down scrolling on my phone I was interrupted by a phone call from the hospital. I quickly answered the phone not knowing what was gone be said on the other end.

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