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2 weeks later

"Andre you and Ky better get down here and clean up this mess y'all left on this floor,"Jas yelled.

"We're coming dang,"Andre said walking down the stairs with Ky behind him.

"I done told yo lil ass about that mouth of yours,"Jas told Andre while she grabbed the belt off the table and started whoopin his ass. "I done let you slide for too long. You better stay in a child's place do you understand me?."


"Yes what?,"Jas asked him.

"Yes ma'am momma,"Andre said crying.

I sat there in shock because mom never disciplines Andre but I guess enough is enough. I watched as the both of them picked up the toys that was left in the floor and put them in the extra closet down stairs.

The triplets crawled around on the floor messing with everything that was in their way. I recorded a video and saved it in my phone making a mental note to send it too my dad. I looked up too see Jay running down stairs with her phone in her hand.

"Girl look at what they posted on Instagram,"she said handing me her phone.

I looked too see some pictures of Hannah and Toosii sitting down eating. The pictures show them laughing and having a good time. I instantly felt my stomach tighten up from the thought that was running through my head.

"Girl you need too check that. It may not be what it seems but if that's yo best why is it a secret that she is communicating with him?"Jay said.

"I don't know it's hard to believe that Hannah would do something like that. But remember the conversation I told you I heard I just don't know now,"I said.

"Well I know that's yo bestie and all but if you need me to whoop her ass I'm always down,"Jay said giving me a hug.

"Of course I know you is,"I said laughing.

"But on a serious note we do need to get ready for our trip to Atlanta for our birthday,"Jay said.

"Damn it. I honestly forgot about that. Now that you brung it up I don't think it's a good idea to go. Besides I have the triplets and Ky to worry about. My starts school in a couple months. I'm a single parent to 4 girls."

"Calm down sis calm down. You know we got you. If granny wasn't so stubborn she would be here to help but she wanted to stay with dad. We can't miss our first birthday together. We are about to enter the din club sis,"Jay said.

"Okay I know I know,"I guess Atlanta will see us in a couple of days,"I said.

"Yes ma'am now go get dressed I planned a photo shoot for us for our birthday,"Jay said.

"Look at you being so extra I guess I'll go get ready. Ask mama Can she watch the kids for me."

"Sis she already knew about this of course she will."

I ran upstairs to get dressed. Our outfits was already at the spot plus our makeup artist and hairstylist. All we had to do was show up.

After getting dressed we headed to the car to get to the shoot.

After the 30 minute drive there we got out the car and headed inside. Walking up to this nice building it was about 12 stories high and everything was clean and neat. We headed up to the front desk to get help as we walked in.

"Hi ma'am can I help you guys find something,"the front desk lady asked.

"Yes we have an appointment with Jacob Lattimore,"Jay said.

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