Chapter 8: Beat the Bullies

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Two days had passed and I've gotten closer and closer to Carolin. Our lockers are even next to each other so we can talk while we get our books. Now walking into school wasn't like court because I had Carolin right by my side and it is still shocking to me to have a loyal friend like her. Then the best thing ever had happened.

It was at lunch. Carolin and I were sitting next to each other and talking of course and then Vanessa and her crew showed up.

"Ew Carolin why are you sitting next to her." Vanessa said snobishly. "She has no class at all"

"Class?" Carolin asked sarcastically "You shouldn't be talking about class because you can't even brush your teeth clean enough to speak to us right now" 

I looked at Carolin in shock. This was going to be good.

"Okay so when did you decide you were going to be on the crappy side?" Vanessa asked.

"When I found out your side had stank breathed dragons" Carolin said with a fake smile." So how about you sit your stuck up ass back down okay Vanessa?"

Vanessa was speechless. So she hesitated to stomp her sorry butt away from our table and sit with her mean girl crew. The only thing I could do was laugh my ass off and high-five Carolin. She really was a different type of girl after all.

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