Chapter 11: Kill and Run

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I was beyond tired at school today. All the comments and other crap seemed like it just went in one ear and came out the other. I even ignored Vanessa.

All of my classes felt like a blur. I just went in one minute and came out the next. Even though half of my classes were all about 60-90 minutes. I felt so sluggish even kids throwing paper at me wasn't bothering me and I was still scared.. shitless. I wasn't worried about any classwork or homework. Even the teacher's voices were in slow motion.

It was the most boring day of my life. Even getting teased felt like a pretty exciting thing at the moment. I couldn't eat and I barely even said a word to Carolin. She was still stunned too so there wasn't that much of a conversation.

As Carolin and I were walking home, we were looking at Vanessa making a big bitchy commotion about some stupid topic. She was yelling at this girl that was across the street and they were both pretty pissed.

"Come over and say it to my fucking face bitch!" The other girl yelled across the street.

Vanessa was walking towards the girl while she was yelling a whole bunch of crap. Without even looking she walked into the middle of the street while a car was speeding up. Vanessa looked at the car like a deer in the headlights and it just happened like that.

Right when the car went away all we could see was a broken up Vanessa on the ground, passed out.

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