Prologue: Run

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Two blurs of blue and red streaked across the city of Jakarta. The blue dodging a series of laser firing at him.

'So you're probably thinking, "What's a blue armored individual doing being chased by a psychopathic madman?" To be honest, it felt like I've been doing nothing but running my entire life. Is this too much? Am I going a bit to fast for you to see what's happening? My bad because that's pretty much what I do. To make it easier for you... let's back up a bit.'

~Somewhere in America~

A child, around the age of 5, runs in super sonic speed across the woodlands of Washington. Having fun without a care in the world. See young Nexus was born with powers and was told many times to keep them hidden. And of course like many, he didn't listen.

Young Nexus ran into a small cabin and bumped into his mother, who was making lunch.

Young Nexus: *laughs*

Mother: *worriedly* Sweetie, someone could've seen you.

His father placed the newspaper down and walked over. Like his wife, he too was worried about his son.

Father: Your mother is right, son. You have to keep it hidden.

Young Nexus: No one saw me. I'm way to fast for them to see me. And I wanted to bring you this.

He lifted a flower in his hand. It was meant to be a present for his mother. Before she could touch it, her focus snapped as something was coming from behind the trees. Her husband saw and coming from the trees were armed gunmen, pointing their guns at Nexus.

Father: GET DOWN!

The parents held their son close as bullets flied through the walls and windows. One thing was for certain. With great powers, comes great responsibility, but also great danger. And that danger followed him.

The gunmen stormed the house and surrounded them. 

Father: What do you want from us?!

Commander: You're son is coming with us. 

Mother: Don't hurt him! He's only a child!

Commander: We're fully aware what you truly are. That 'boy' has powers that are considered too dangerous, but can also be a turning point against the Nova.

Young Nexus was scared, hiding in his mother's chest. The commander was about to give the order when suddenly he was shot down.

Four men stood in front of them and turn their guns at the rest of the squad.

Soldier: What are you doing?!

???: Doing what's right.

It soon became a gunfire with the four protecting the family. Sadly however, Nexus's father was shot down when trying to get his family to safety.

???: The backdoor! GO!

His mother ran out the door with Nexus in her arms. But eventually a stray bullet hit her side and she collapsed onto the ground.

Mother: Listen carefully, Nexus, you have powers unlike anything I've ever seen before. And there will be someone who'll want it. The only way to stay safe, is to stay hidden.

His mother took out a ring from her pouch and throws it, creating a portal to a different location. 

Mother: You should be safe there.

Young Nexus: But I don't want to go without you!

Mother: You must! *gives him the pouch* These rings will be your most important possession. If you're ever discovered, use one. Never stop running. Now go!

Young Nexus runs into the portal. Looking back he could see his mother guarding the ring as the gunmen were closing in on her.

Young Nexus: MAMA!

He drops the pouch and runs back to her. All she could do was give one last smile to her baby boy.

Mother: *sadly*Goodbye, son.

Young Nexus: NO!

He runs to the portal, but was too late as it disappears, leaving him alone. No parents and no idea what to do. All he could do now was to keep on walking.

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