Chapter 8: Classes

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Nexus was introduced to the classes at West Genetics. Though it was difficult at first, he did received help from the teachers and students. 

He was told of a carnival that was coming soon. It was exciting since this was his first time at a carnival.

Combat training was moved to the outdoor facility. The class was told that several administrators wanted a demonstration of the surprising-capabilities of the Ace-class Limiters. The students filed in, Sister Margaret and a few of the school board, most of the school council, a few other high ranking third-year Pandora, Chevalier officers and researchers were watching from the stands.

Ms. Kim welcomed everyone and announce the start of the demonstration. 

Ms. Kim: Nexus, you're up!

Nexus could feel all eyes on him as stepped into the ring. Facing his opponent with the instructions being that the match will end when one is incapacitated, so they were allows to go all out.

His opponent looked at her with arrogance.

???: He's supposed to fight in the festival tomorrow. Is fighting me with those terms really a good idea?

Ms. Kim: *glares* Oh, I don't think that will be too much of a problem. Will it Nexus?

Nexus: N-Not really, ma'am.

Ms. Kim: Good! Then you may begin when you're ready.

Nexus focused and summons his armor which surprised the people in the stand and some of the students. The students kept on whispering 'Blue Hero' whatever that means.

His opponent was fast, even without the use of Acceleration Turn. She rushed at him, but Nexus dodges and fires a shot. She blocks and tries to kick his right knee, but he was so fast that she couldn't land a hit.

???: 'Just how fast is he?!'

Nexus kept on firing eventually defeating his opponent.

Ms. Kim: Winner! Nexus!

Applause followed as the medical team carried his opponent out for treatment.

Ms. Kim: I'm still curious on how you were able to do all that?

Nexus: I'm... not sure, ma'am, but why is everyone keep calling me 'Blue Hero'?

Ms. Kim: That I can't answer. 

Ingrid: I could answer your question.

Ingrid walks up to the ring. She greets him as if they've met before.

Ingrid: It was 2 months ago. There was a Nova attack...


The Novas were attacking. Every Pandora and Limiter were in fear except for Ingrid and another with light-colored hair.

 Every Pandora and Limiter were in fear except for Ingrid and another with light-colored hair

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