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Tae I love you" jisoo told ans kiss taehyung.

Taehyung wanted to kiss jisoo back. But he didn't. He know jisoo is not in right mind. Taehyung don't want to do it when jisoo is on this state.

"You don't love me tae.... I thought you love me... but you didn't" jisoo told making a baby face.

"If you love me will drink something " taehyung told looking at her eyes. Jisoo nodded and taehyung held her and went to the kitchen.

Taehyung made some lemon juice and give it to jisoo. Jisoo don't want to drink it qnd look to other side.

Taehyung cupped jisoo's face and move closer to her. Jisoo close her eyes when their lips were few cm a part.

After a minute jisoo open her eyes not getting the kiss she expected. "Drink this then I will kiss you" taehyung said and jisoo drink it.

Jisoo felt light pain in her head. She look at taehyung who was drinking water.

"Are you ok... do you love me" taehyung ask looking at jisoo. "What" jisoo's eyes widen. "Oh you are ok.... when you were drank you kept saying you love me" taehyung told and jisoo blush.

"You look really beautiful when you blush" taehyung said looking at jisoo. "I am not blushing" jisoo told looking away. "No your face lookalike a tomato" taehyung told and jisoo hide her face.

"Anyway soo I have something to tell you... I should have told you this before but could not.... I thought you will leave me... but any way I have to tell you this now" taehyung told and look at jisoo.

"What is it" jisoo ask. "Umm can we sit first before taking" taehyung told and they sit on the couch.

"Jisoo I am.... a kind of.... umm.... vampire" taehyung told and look at jisoo who eyes are widen.

"Jisoo I am sorry I thought you will run away when you knew about this.... that's why I didn't tell you I am sorry" taehyung told.

"It's ok I am kinda ready for this... it has to be o your 25th birthday right... and you know what today is your birthday it's already past midnight" jisoo told kind of hugging taehyung.

"How you knew" taehyung told. "Well befor eye wedding your mom told me on 25th birthday you will tell me something but not to afraid... then I heard you and your father talking over the phone... you told you will not drink my blood you will drink other people's blood cause you don't want to hurt me.. no taehyung I can endure any pain for you... beside I am yours... so my blood also belongs to you" jisoo told and kiss taehyung's cheeks.

"Come" jisoo led taehyung to their room.

She sat on the bed making taehyung to sit too. Jisoo push her dress one side revealing her left shoulder.

Jisoo look at taehyung and nodded."are you sure it will hurt a lot" taehyung told looking at jisoo."I am and I know but I am ready" jisoo told and taehyung came close to her.

"I will do it as gently as I can" taehyung told and jisoo smiled.

Taehyung gave some butterfly kiss to jisoo's shoulder and lik. He than slowly starts to move the fangs into her shoulder.

Jisoo closed her eyes in pain. But she will not shout she will not try to push taehyung away. She will stay like this even though it's painful.

Sometimes later taehyung move away and look at jisoo. Tears were coming from her eyes. Her lips were blood red because she was biting her lips the hole time.

"I am sorry" taehyung told. "It's ok.... taehyung..... I am.... kinda feeling dizzy I want to sleep" jisoo told lyed on the bed to sleep. Taehyung lyed next to jisoo and hug her from back.

Next morning. Because of the sun Ray's that hit jisoo's face jisoo slowly open her eyes to be welcomed by a handsome face.

"Good afternoon" taehyung told. "Afternoon" jisoo asked widen her eyes.

"Yes its is almost 1 in the afternoon" taehyung told showing jisoo the time.

"Go take a shower.... I have already cooked the lunch" taehyung told kissing jisoo's cheek.

"You cooked... you could have wake me up" jisoo told looking at taehyung.

"I don't want to disturb you... you were sleeping so peacefully..... go take a shower" taehyung told and went out.

At the time jisoo got down stairs taehyung was watching TV. Jisoo went and sit next to taehyung.

"Come let's eat" taehyung took jisoo's hand went to the kitchen.

"Wow chicken" jisoo kind of jump and clap like 5 years old kid.

After the lunch they stay at living room watching TV.

After sometimes taehyung pulled jisoo's dress relieving her left shoulder. Jisoo look at taehyung and smile.

Taehyung moved his thumb on the bite mark and look at jisoo. "I am sorry jisoo does it hurt" taehyung ask. "No it doesn't" jisoo told. "Jisoo please don't lie you are not good at lieing.

"It doesn't really" jisoo told. At that time jisoo's phone start ring. It was jennie.

Jennie: Unnie are you free tonight me and jin are thinking of going to the house near the woods today for like 3 days

Jisoo: what about your honeymoon I thought you are leaving for honeymoon today

Jennie: honeymoon oh this can also be kind of honeymoon right anyway are you going

Jisoo look at taehyung who was looking at her. He smiled and nodded to agree.
Jisoo: yeah we are

Jennie: great come home at 4 ok

Jisoo: ok

Jennie: bye Unnie

Jisoo: bye jen

"Why you agree" jisoo asked looking at taehyung. "Because you wanted to go" taehyung said smiling.

"Taehyung I am going to hospital is it ok" jisoo ask. "Yes but be safe" taehyung told jisoo nodded and went.

Jisoo and taehyung came to jennie and jin's house at 3:50. At that time rose jimin lisa and jungkook was also there.

"Unnie you are there tell us the good news" jennie said hugging jisoo. "What good news" jisoo ask. "Well Unnie don't play dumb I know it" jennie told.

"What" jisoo ask. "That you are pregnant" jennie told.

Jisoo and taehyung look at each other not knowing what jennie is talking about.

"Jennie you are out of your mind I am not pregnant.... maybe jin did something to you last night which made you image thing" jisoo told.

"No Unnie today you were in the hospital I was also there at that time me and jin visite his friend there.... we were about to leave I saw you going out of the lab and there was an envelope in your hands you open it look at it and smile.. then I went and ask a girl there what was the test result you took then they told pregnancy test result" jennie told.

"Ofcourse I went to hospital and took pregnancy test result.... but it doesn't mean I am pregnant" jisoo told laughing.

"But you smiled looking at the result you were happy" jennie told.

"I was happy because it was positive" jisoo told. "Then why you are telling you are not pregnant" jennie ask.

"It was not main it was my friend seulgi 's.... she wanted to surprise her husband so she asked me to help her" jisoo told.

"Ohh" everyone knew what happen now. "Ohh finally.... after that I don't know what happen to jennie also one point she wanted to cancel the trip also" jin told and every one except jennie laugh.

To be continue

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