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"What did he just say..... did he really mean it" jisoo burst into tears as she sat on the couch.

"No Unnie I am sure taehyung did not mean that.... he loves you" chaeyoung said tapping jisoo's back.

Chaeyoung took jisoo to her room. For both of there surprise taehyung was not there to be seen.




Lisa open her eyes slowly to see jungkook face.

"Jungkook" lisa said weakly raising her hand to reach jungkook.

"Lisa are u ok" jungkook ask holding lisa's hand.

"Wa... water... I want water" lisa said.

"Ok wait a minute..... I will bring you water" jungkook said and went to get some water.

Jungkook brought water and lisa drink it.

Lisa suddenly put her hand on her head and close her eyes.

"Lisa... lisa" jungkook started to shake her.

"Jungkook.... what happen to lisa" jimin who came there with chaeyoung ask when they saw Jungkook was shaking lisa.

"Sh.... she work up.. then ask for water... when I gave her water she was like this" jungkook said.

"Jennie unnie" it was the first thing that came out of lisa's mouth.

"Jennie Unnie... she is in her room" chaeyoung said to lisa.

"Jennie Unnie is pregnant.... I saw jennie Unnie with a big bump" lisa said.

"Lisa jennie Unnie is not pregnant jisoo unnie is the one who is pregnant" chaeyoung said.

"I know but it was.... aaaa leave it... its might be a dream" lisa said.

"Good afternoon everyone" jennie who came out of her room said.

"Good afternoon" four of them said to jennie.

"Unnie where you are going to go" chaeyoung ask as she knew jennie was dressed to go somewhere.

"Me and jin oppa are going on a lunch" jennie said and face them.

"Unnie are you wearing lenses" chaeyoung ask as she saw jennie's eyes.

"Unnie are you wearing lenses" chaeyoung ask as she saw jennie's eyes

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"No I am not" jennie said.

At that time jin also came there. Jennie hold jin's hand and kind of side hug him.

"By the way where us jisoo unnie I have not seen her" jennie ask.

"Umm jisoo unnie is sleeping... she said she is tired" chaeyoung said.

"Ohh ok just say we went out if  jisoo unnie ask ok" jennie said and she and jin disappeared.




"Taehyung" jisoo call as taehyung enter the room but taehyung just ignored jisoo as he didn't hear jisoo.

"Taehyung" jisoo call again standing up from the bed this time but still taehyung ignored her.

"Taehyung just talk to me.... where you like this suddenly" jisoo said facing taehyung.

"Jisoo what's wrong with you" taehyung  said and push jisoo which made her fall on the ground.

As jisoo fell she put her hand on her bump like if she was protecting the baby.

And thankfully her bump did not hit anywhere but because of the way she fell her hand started to hurt.

As taehyung saw jisoo fell he came to pick her up. But before he can touch her jisoo raised her hand signalling not to touch her.

"Jisoo I am sorry" taehyung said.

"Taehyung I really don't know what happen to you.... like before three hours we were in this room happily but what is this" jisoo said.

"Okay fine" jisoo said as taehyung didn't say any word.

Jisoo went out of the room but taehyung stayed there not knowing what to do.

To be continue

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