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Jisoo and taehyung had a wonderful dinner and taehyung said he will do the dishes and ask jisoo to stay at the living room.

Jisoo sit on the couch to watch something on TV but nothing of her taste so she just simply sit and waited for taehyung to come.

"Let's go to sleep" taehyung came and says to jisoo.

"Aren't we going back to that house" Jisoo ask confused.

"We will sleep here tonight" taehyung says as he open the door of their room.

Taehyung lied on the bed wherein jisoo went in to the bath room to change her dress.

After sometimes jisoo came and lied next to taehyung.

Taehyung put his phone down and pull jisoo in his arm as he hug her.

Like after fifteen minutes jisoo was in a deep sleep and taehyung was wide a wake.

Taehyung look at jisoo's and placed a soft kiss on forehead.

"I am sorry jisoo... I really am" taehyung said and took an injection as he look at the injection and jisoo who was sleeping peacefully.

Taehyung left a heavy sigh and inject it to jisoo as he close her eyes and tears fell from his eyes.





"I... I am pregnant" jennie said like wisper but jin heard her clearly.

"I am pregnant I am going to be a mom" jennie said excitedly.

"You are ok with that.... are you ready to be a mom" jin ask.

"I am ready... I am happy" jennie said as she hug jin.

"Oh my God jisoo Unnie is pregnant and I am too.... two small baby together we will be more than happy" jennie said not knowing what future is up to do.




Lisa work up suddenly because of a dream she saw.

She was breathing heavily and sweating all over.

Jungkook also work up who was sleeping on the couch.

He calmly put his hands over lisa to clam her down.

"Jisoo unnie.... jisoo Unnie.... babies are dead " lisa said as she hug jungkook.

"No lisa they will be fine ok" jungkook said as he pat lisa's back to comfort her.

Few chapters left. I will try to finish this story before 15th of this month.

To be continue

Hope u like this part too

Have a good day or night

Stay healthy and happy

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