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Jin oppa.... jungkook" jennie said and hug her husband.

"Jennie you are okay.... where is lisa yeonjun" jungkook ask.

"She is inside.... what is wrong hyung.... is jisoo noona and chaeyoung noona alright" yeonjun ask.

"They are fine" jungkook said.

At that time they heard another knock.

"Who is this know.... is it jisoo unnie" jennie said and stand from the couch to open the door.

But before she could jin stop her and pull her to his side.

"Don't open jen.... it's not jisoo" jin said which made jennie to look at him in a questioning look.

"Jennie, lisa go with them... yeonjun take them out in the back door take them back to tae hyung and jimin hyung" jungkook said.

"Wait jen... come with me" jin said pull her to a room.

"I... I want to say something to you jen" jin said jennie look at him in the eyes.

"Well I.... I am a vampire too jen" jin said.

"What" jennie did not knew how to react. First she knew her brother in law was a vampire then her friend fiance and now her husband is a vampire too.

"I am sorry jen for not telling you I really am sorry.... please now go with them to tae and jimin.... you will be safe there" jin said and went out.

Yeonjun and kai (jennies of txt) held jennie's two hand and then they disappear.

Jin exhaled deeply and open the door.

Kai, sehun, chanyeol and suho was there.

"What you want" Jim ask.

"Why you took so long to open the door" kai ask.

"None of your business" jin said which made jungkook laugh.

"Where is lisa and jennie" sehun ask entering the house.

"They are not here" jungkook said.

"Oh really because you said that we are sure they are here" suho said.

"Look you guys are playing dirty here you know they belong to us but still you guys are being the third person" jin said.

"Well jin even though you are jennies husband she still don't know what you are dose she.... and still I can jennie really easily" kai said.

"I hope you guys know what happen on vampire war two thousand year ago.... do you guys want start a war or something.... well we will end this on vampire court tomorrow..... now get out from here" jin said.

Suho, chanyeol, kai and sehun went out of the house.




Jisoo slowly open her eyes and saw her husband chest.

Jisoo smile lightly. She miss waking up inside her husband arms where she feels so much safety.

Jisoo look at the time and she saw it was 3 PM.

Jisoo slowly get off the bed but she stop when taehyung held her hands.

"Where are you going" taehyung ask.

"It been a week I didn't get to be with you... and still you are running away from me" taehyung pull jisoo to the bed and hug her.

"Tae" jisoo called.

"Hmm" taehyung said inhaling jisoo's scent.

"I think I am pregnant" jisoo said.

"What" taehyung look at jisoo who was lying inside his arms.

"I came to think about it well we did it... I never used to miss my period but this month I miss it" jisoo said.

"But soo you don't show any of the symptoms like vomiting" taehyung said.

"I know but still... wait you don't want a child fo you" jisoo said getting up and sitting on the bed.

"What no soo I love children and I will be really happy if you are pregnant" taehyung said sitting next to jisoo and kissing her cheek.

"I am really hungry I wanna eat now" jisoo said and went to bathroom to get fresh.

Like after three minutes jisoo look back to see taehyung entering the bath room.

"Here" taehyung said and hand jisoo a pregnancy kit and went out.

Jisoo smile and follow the instructions on the box.

When jisoo saw the two line she can't help but smile.

She went out and saw taehyung who was sitting on the bed.

Taehyung look at jisoo and raised his eye brows.

"It's positive" jisoo said and show taehyung the kit.

Taehyung couldn't hold back his happiness and hug jisoo.

To be continue

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