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So let's get ready...." lisa said and ran to upstairs.

"Me and jisoo will not be going" taehyung said side hugging jisoo.

Jisoo look at taehyung not believing. Giving him a look that she really wants to go.

"Oh okay then the rest of us will go" jennie said looking at jin.

"Umm jennie me and chaeyoung also will not go" jimin said.

"Me too I will also not go" jungkook said   giving his all attention to the phone.

"Umm can I ask why.... walking in the woods will be fun then why is that you guys don't want to go" jennie ask.

"What.... why are you guys not ready... I am already ready and ready to go" lisa said as she came downstairs.

"Lisa even though you use ready word millions times they are not ready... it is only me jin oppa and you who are going" jennie said.

"What I can't go with only both of you... I will be left alone... Umm jisoo unnie.. aaaa rose why you are not going" lisa ask.

"Umm I am just not feeling well" rose lied.

"Then I will not be going" lisa said and sit on the  couch.

"Okay then we will go" jennie said and went out.

As jennie and jin went out jisoo hurried to her room and taehyung followed her.

Jisoo was angry and sit on the bed looking at taehyung.

Taehyung look at jisoo and laugh and lyed on the bed not saying anything.

"Give me an answer" jisoo said looking at taehyung.

"You did not ask any questions then how can I answer" taehyung said.

"Huh I don't want to talk to you don't talk to me" jisoo stand up to go.

But taehyung was too fast he pulled jisoo to his said and hug her.

"It's dangerous" taehyung said moving his fingers lightly on jisoo's face.

"Dangerous why.... but jennie and jin oppa is there" jisoo said.

"Yes they are there but me and jimin are going to go now... since jungkook is here he will protect you rose and lisa" taehyung said.

He moved closer to jisoo and move jisoo's dress relieving the bite on jisoo's shoulders.

Jisoo close her eyes thinking that taehyung was going to drink blood.

But she open her eyes when she felt a light kiss on her shoulders.

The kisses slowly went to her neck leaving ref love bites.

Taehyung look at jisoo's beautiful eyes. He slowly came close and gave a passionate kiss on her lips.

They move away from the kiss to caught there breath.

"You have to go" jisoo stops taehyung and said.

"Be safe" jisoo said as taehyung got up from the bed.

Taehyung gave one last peak on jisoo's lips before going.

Jisoo thought of watching some movies so she went out.

"Rose let's watch a movie.... I will make some popcorn" jisoo said and rose nodded.

As jisoo and rose started to watch the movie jungkook went to his room as he already watch that movie.

As he enterd he saw lisa dyeing her hair wearing a bath rob.

"Yah what are you doing here" lisa ask as she saw jungkook.

Jungkook did not know what was happen to him.

With out thinking much jungkook went closer to lisa.

On the another hand lisa was frozen on the spot not knowing what to do.

Jungkook slowly moves his face closer to lisa and kiss her lips.

To be continue

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