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Jisoo and rose look to each other to jennie questions not knowing what to answer.

"Jennie I am the one who is elder than you.... who are you to ask me questions" jisoo said and went to upstairs with rose.

After sometimes taehyung, jimin and jungkook came back.

Jungkook just look at lisa and who was sitting on the couch and went to the upstairs.

Jisoo was lying on the bed when taehyung came in.

Taehyung went and lyed next jisoo and hug her breathing in her flowery scent.

Jisoo smile at taehyung's action and hug him back not leaving any space between them.

"Tae what happen.... I really don't like this silence" jisoo said moving little far from taehyung and facing him.

"I really like your scent.... what is it" taehyung ask.

"Hehe.... tae it's lavender" jisoo said and give a peak on taehyung's cheeks.

Taehyung move closer to jisoo's face and slowly kiss jisoo's pink heart shaped lips which was ment 9nly for taehyung.

Jisoo smile and kiss taehyung back wanting to feel her husband.

Taehyung hand slowly started to move under jisoo's dress still not pulling away from the kiss.

"Unnie" at the time taehyung was almost going to take off jisoo's dress they heard jennie calling her.

Taehyung and jisoo pull away from each other as like they got an electric shock.

"Yes jen what happen" jisoo said as she correct her self and went out of the room.

Taehyung followed jisoo to the living room where all others already are.

"We are going into the woods" jennie said jumping. Which made jimin, taehyung and jungkook to look at each other.


"Jungkook what's wrong with you" jimin said as they went like a middle of the forest.

"No what's wrong with you jimin" taehyung said looking at jimin.

"You already have a mate but still you could not control your self.... I am pretty sure that you drink blood from rose before this happens" taehyung said.

"Lisa her blood is something else" jungkook said.

"Blood will be blood but she has a rear type..... just like jisoo" taehyung said.

"What jisoo" jungkook and jimin said at the same time.

"Hmm her blood is too strong that I feel like I will be needing blood like once a month" taehyung said.

"Well hello hello" at that time they heard someone.

"Suho" taehyung said as he saw who stand infront of them.

"I told you jisoo belongs to me.... don't I"   suho said looking at taehyung.

"Too bad she already belong to me" taehyung said.

"Do you three have some rivals with us taking every girl we like" chanyeol said.

"It's not us it's you.... when you saw them you like them but before that they already belong to us" jimin said.

"And now don't tell us that lisa is you girl friend jungkook because i already know she is not and she will belong to me" sehun said.

"You can take her it's not like I like even a one bit" jungkook said.

"We will not only take lisa with her we will take jennie, jisoo and chaeyoung" kai said standing next to suho.

"Why you bring jennie to here now" taehyung said.

"We knew that you kind of black mail jisoo using jennie to marry jisoo so now we will do same" suho said.

They did not stay to here other words and walk to the woods.

Jimin, taehyung and jungkook look at each other.

"You have to marry rose as fast as you can jimin" taehyung said and jimin nod.

"You sure you don't like lisa.... I don't think so" jimin ask jungkook as they started to walk home.

End of the flash back

To be continue

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