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Jennie sat on the couch as she came to the house not minding jimin and chaeyoung who greeted her.

She was busy thinking about what jin said to her in the room.

Chaeyoung came to her sit next to her and squeeze her hand. Lisa went to kitchen to eat some mango.

"Where is jisoo unnie" jennie ask looking at chaeyoung.

"Jisoo Unnie and tae oppa went to the room and still did not come back" chaeyoung said and jennie nodded.

"Chae can I ask you something" jennie ask looking at chaeyoung. And chaeyoung nodded.

"Does jimin drink your blood" jennie ask hesitating to ask.

"Why Unnie with the sudden question"  chaeyoung ask.

"Chaeyoung just answer my question does he" jennie ask again.

"He does" chaeyoung said with a nod.

"Does it hurt" jennie ask again.

"It does at first but then it will be okay" chaeyoung said.

"What if jimin didn't drink your blood" jennie ask.

"Umm he will get weak.... not only my blood but any blood.... will need blood so they not get weak" chaeyoung said.

At that time jisoo and taehyung came downstairs.

Jisoo went and hug sister who she did not see for a week.

"How is everything" jisoo ask.

"Fine" jennie said.

At that time lisa came out of the kitchen with slid mango in a plate.

She sat next to chaeyoung and start to eat it.

"Umm lisa can I have some mango please" jìsoo ask which made everyone eyes widen.

"Unnie you don't used eat mango do you" lisa ask.

"I know I don't but I wanna eat today... it looks really tasty" jisoo said.

She took a mango slice and eat it. Everyone kept looking at her.

"Uh it really tasty.... I want to eat mango" jisoo said.

"Unnie you can have this" lisa quickly gave the plate to jisoo.

At that time jin and jungkook appeared infront of them.

Taehyung and jimin hug jin and jungkook as jennie kept looking at jin.

Jennie guessed jin to follow her and went their room.

Jin want inside the room and lock it to see jennie taking off her shirt.

She came close to jin and kissed him on his lips.

"What is this jennie now" jin ask.

But jennie did not respond and took off jins shirt too.

"Don't you need my blood" jennie ask stopping her actions and looking at jina eyes.

"From whom are you getting blood" jennie ask again as jin did not answer.

"I don't drink blood" jin said.

"But oppa chaeyoung said you guys will get weak if you don't drink blood... but you are not weak" jennie said.

"It is not only we have to drink blood to get avoid from getting weak.... we can date a vampire" jin said.

"What" jennie ask not believing.

To be continue

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